Ch. 29 A Tale of Two Todoroki's

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"Well, this was a waste of time."

Dabi wasn't completely wrong. Today pretty much had been a waste of time. A big building like the police station had too many people in it for you to identify individual minds. So while you could pick up bits and pieces of conversation from their meeting, that was about all you could do.

"Can you please just shut up?"

"Shut me up, baby."

"You make me want to murder you."

"Now you're thinking like a villain. I love it. We could role play that later. Or maybe right now."

"Can I have my phone back?"

"No. I'm bored," Dabi said, tossing back his third beer. "Let's go fuck something up."

"Sorry, no time for fucking things up today. I have somewhere I need to be."

"You know you have to be back at the hideout in a few hours."

"Thanks, dad. Then I'll be there in a few hours. Right now I have somewhere I'm supposed to be."

"Let me guess. A date with a hero."

"Maybe. Can I have my phone back now?"

"Maybe." He continued messing with it and reading through your texts before finally tossing it on the couch next to him. "I've been very patient with you. I didn't even punish you for letting the boss man touch you. But my patience is very thin. I've watched you at that window all day and now I'm horny as fuck."

"Go fuck yourself."

Dabi grinned as he got off the couch and came toward you. "Oh, but baby girl, that wouldn't be any fun."

Fuck the phone. You knew that look in Dabi's eyes, and you decided to bolt out of there with or without it, and you would have made it to the door, too.

Except that he was faster.

His one hand slammed the door shut and his other grabbed your arm, the now-familiar searing warmth of his fingers burning your skin as he yanked you around to face him, pinning your arm behind you.

"You can't run from me," he grinned. "No matter how hard you try. I thought you knew that."

Dabi leaned into you, his sadistic blue eyes wide and feral.

You knew it was pointless to try to fight him and quicker to just give up. As he kissed your neck and dragged his tongue down your chest, you fucking hated yourself for not fighting back, but what choice did you have?

"Why? Why do you keep torturing me?"

The hand holding your arm behind you grew hotter and you winced in pain.

"You really have to ask that?"


"Because, baby girl, every day you remind me that I haven't broken you into pieces yet. Nothing deserves to be whole in this world, including you."

"And when I'm broken?" you whispered, terrified to hear the answer you already knew. "What then?"

"That's when I get bored, baby."


"I wasn't sure if you still wanted to look at these apartment listings tonight. I tried calling you when I got out of my meeting at the station, but you didn't answer."

"Really?" You put down the pizza you were eating and double checked your phone. "I don't have any missed calls or texts from today on my phone."

"Is it broken?" Shoto asked. He sat down on the barstool next to you, and you reflexively pulled the sleeve of your shirt down further, hoping to hide any burn wounds from earlier. "I could get you a new phone if you want."

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