Ch. 50 Shigaraki at the Bar

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It was a slow night at the bar. You'd actually brought your book and read a little in-between making a drink here or there. It was infinitely more fun to read about someone else's fantasy beach romance than deal with the dark, sticky reality of life.

Like Bakugo had said, the book really did get better as you got further into it.

The weekend crowd was gone, and now it was you, your book, and a couple regulars. You'd just put your book down when you happened to see a certain murderous super villain with dusty blue hair emerging from the back.

"Hey!" you called out to him, but either Shigaraki didn't hear you or he didn't feel like acknowledging you. Probably the latter.

"Hey!" you yelled again, coming out from behind the bar to go talk to him, but he was walking away quickly.

Shigaraki was alone, which was perfect, with no sign of Dabi anywhere. Blue hair hung over his face, hiding his features, but you saw his red eyes glance your way for a split second before he started walking the other direction.

Most of the time Shigaraki steered clear of the public area of the bar, preferring to do only god knows what in the backrooms. But it seemed like tonight was your lucky night, and since the bar was mostly empty, the League's very own leader had ventured out.

Normally you'd rather pretend like he didn't exist, but you had a new plan in mind tonight.

"Let me make you a drink," you said, trailing after him, "I've been making a couple new cocktails, and I want your feedback...."


That last word was at least enough to get him to pause for a second.

"Boss, now, huh? All of a sudden you're employee of the month? Hard pass," he muttered before continuing to walk away. "I don't drink that shit anyway."

"If you're scared of me reading your mind, you could just say so."

That made him stop.

"You're avoiding me because you're scared of me," you continued. "Scared of what I might find out, hm? I get it; the last time I was in your brain was a doozy, you even had to tie me to a chair so..."

There was no reason for him to know that you'd rather stab out your own eyeballs than go back into his thoughts again.

"I'm not scared of things that don't matter."

"Just try one of the new drinks. Then I'll leave you alone. No mind reading. I promise."

"Will you shut up if I do that?"


Reluctantly he followed you back to the bar, and he sat on the barstool at the end, far away from anyone else there. After mixing both of you a drink, you came back around the bar and slid onto the stool next to him, watching as he cautiously took a sip. The more he drank, the easier this was going to be.

"This isn't awful," he admitted. "There, now leave me alone."

"But you're sitting at my bar."

"I'm currently regretting that decision."

"Come on," you said, "even a guy like you enjoys having someone to talk to every now and then."

"No, really, I don't."

"Whatever you say. I'll just sit here then." You tapped your fingers some more, tapping out the song in your head. "I'll sit here quietly. You'll never know I'm here. Because I'll be so quiet."

Shigaraki sighed and put his drink down.

"Aren't you supposed to be working?" he asked you, not even glancing your way.

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