Ch. 30 No Questions

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There was no universe in which it was possible that you were a villain.

Bakugo kicked aside the scattered trash at the bottom of the stairs to your apartment. Fucking revolting. Didn't this building have a maintenance crew or something?

He'd tried being patient, waiting for a few hours at his own place, waiting for you to call or text back or anything, but no matter how many times he stared at his phone and willed it to ring, it didn't.

There was no universe in which it was possible that you were a villain.

He had repeated this mantra numerous times over the hours he waited before he finally gave up and went to your apartment to find you.

There could be other people with a similar quirk. He knew that was a fact and yet it still wasn't exactly common and didn't make him feel better.

It was possible that Kirishima had it wrong. Bakugo had to admit that Kirishima was not always the sharpest crayon in the box, so maybe he misunderstood what was happening and the villain he talked to didn't have a mind reading quirk at all.

He only knew this for sure: there was no universe in which it was possible that you were a villain. He would have to keep repeating it in his head, repeating it a thousand times over if necessary, until it didn't need to be said anymore and he actually believed it.

He knocked a few times on your door, but when you didn't answer, and he didn't know what else to do, Bakugo sat down on the floor, his back against your door.

Two men with hollow faces and tattered clothes passed by on their way down the stairs, took one look at him, and walked that much faster. An hour or so later, maybe longer, a couple of giddy teenagers ran down the stairs, apparently not at all alarmed that a strange man was sitting on the floor outside someone's apartment.

Would he sit there all night? You could be at work, whatever and wherever the hell that even was, and maybe you wouldn't be home until hours from now. And what, he was going to be waiting at your door like some kind of stalker?

Yeah, apparently that was exactly what he was going to be doing. He could fool himself and say that was his job now, the job given to him by Hawks. it's not like he had something else he was supposed to be doing anyway.

In the dark, since of course they hadn't installed lights on the staircase, or maybe they weren't working or hadn't been repaired in ages, Bakugo could see the form of a person dragging his or herself up the stairs. Another fucking drug addict or criminal, he assumed, by the staggering way the person climbed the stairs, probably high out of their mind.

Damn, you needed to move.

But Bakugo's eyes went wide when he realized that this person was you.

"What the hell?" he asked, jumping to his feet and rushing to you. Your face fell – was it possible to fall any more than it already had? - when you saw him, but he grabbed you by the shoulders. You were too tired to do anything other than slump against his chest as his arms went around you, his solid form letting you go limp as he held you there.

The gentleness of his hold, compared to the past few hours, was... nice.

"What happened? What's wrong?"

He was too loud. It was all too loud. Almost to make up for the noise, your voice was quiet, hardly even audible. "Go. Home."

"What? But you are home. What the hell happened, y/n?"

"Go home," you whispered again, gently pushing back on his chest, since that was about all you had the energy to do, but he held you firmly. He knew you were telling him to go, but there was no way he was going to do that.

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