Ch. 32 Errand Girl

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You woke up from your nap to a familiar smell. Was Bakugo trying to cook something again? No, that wasn't it.

Shuffling out of your bedroom, the afternoon light was bright and hazy as it filtered through your curtains. You rubbed your eyes to adjust and followed the scent, but it wasn't coming from your kitchen, so you went into your living room instead

Chemicals maybe? Or burnt hair? No, that wasn't it either.

Maybe the smell was coming from your neighbor's apartment; you never knew what the hell they were doing over there. Maybe the meth lab finally exploded, who knows.

Then you saw your doorknob.

Or what was left of it.

It had been melted off your door into a little pile of liquid metal on the carpet, a hole remaining where your doorknob once was.

"Son of a bitch," you muttered. At least now you knew where the burned chemical smell was coming from.

But before you could process what you already knew, a rough hand came from behind and went over your mouth, the staples scraping against your face. Instantly you started screaming into the hand and kicking and elbowing behind you to get free, but, damn, he was holding you tightly.

"Don't struggle, baby girl. It's just me."

That's why I'm struggling, asshole!

After his phone call earlier, you weren't surprised that Dabi had shown up. You didn't expect him to melt your doorknob to get in though.

"Not happy to see me?" he asked as you shook your head violently and tried to pry his hand off. "I'm hurt. If I let you go, will you be a good girl and listen to me?"

There really was no use in fighting. You'd learned that by now, at least. Reluctantly, you relaxed and nodded.

"That's better."

Practically jumping away from him the second his hand left you, you immediately put some distance between the two of you. Dabi chuckled at your semi-fighting stance. It wasn't entirely logical, but the further away from his hands you were, the safer you felt.

"Get dressed," Dabi said. "We're going to talk to the boss."

"But my door," you pointed at it, gritting your teeth. "If we leave, because of what you did, my apartment will be unlocked."

Dabi looked around your apartment and frowned. "Hate to break it to you, but I'm not seeing why that matters."

"Hello? Someone could just walk in and rob the place while I'm gone."

"Yeah, you really need to find somewhere safer. Your whole building is full of scumbags."

"Like you."

Dabi grinned and reached toward you to touch your face before you could swat him away.

"They're nothing like me, baby."

"Whatever. I'll go change. Stay here," you muttered. "And... don't... don't burn anything else."

You weren't even sure Dabi heard you since he was already in your kitchen poking through your fridge.

Calling Dabi every curse word you could think of under your breath, you marched off to your bedroom, found a backpack, and stuffed a few important things into it. A phone charger, some papers, some pictures, the bracelet you always wore.

You got dressed and added a change of clothes, your make up bag, and a second pair of shoes to your backpack, just in case, since you never knew what kind of messed up drama Shigaraki would have you involved in tonight.

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