Ch. 23 Villain Girl

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You hadn't seen Bakugo all week, and now here you were, back at his apartment, sucking face in his kitchen.

There were worse ways to spend a Friday night.

There had been a little small talk in the beginning, The conversation when you'd first walked in felt like an absurd one act play, both of you unsure of your roles and unpracticed at your lines.

What have you been up to? was followed by Not much and Staying busy which led to Same here.

He asked where you worked, again, but it had been easier to answer with kisses than words.

Your clumsy dialogue in no way resembled the physical chemistry between the two of you. Your bodies knew what to do with each other, knew how to fit against each other. His hands were like a magnet drawn to your skin and you let them clamp down wherever they wanted.

Of course, somewhere in the back of your mind you were acutely aware that all of this was a terrible idea. You'd been down this road before, and it had ended in heartbreak.

The irony wasn't lost on you that after swearing off heroes altogether, you were tasting this hero's skin with your tongue, licking up his sweat, and letting him do the same.

Bakugo's hands held yours, but then he let go and caressed your arms, playing with your bracelet and then rubbing up your arms, each finger feeling like fire against your skin. The hot touches traveled to your shoulder, and you didn't even realize that he had pulled your shirt down a little until you felt him pull back from the kiss.

"What's this?" he asked, his thumb rubbing over the bandage covering Dabi's brand.

"Oh that?" Your mind worked quickly to try to think of a lie that wouldn't sound too suspicious. The last thing you needed right now was for him to see the tiny flame burned into your skin.

"I burned myself on accident," you told him. "Doing my hair. No big thing, just me being clumsy."

"Let me look at it. I've had my share of burn wounds," he said, starting to peel the bandage off.

"No! No," you said, swatting his hand away. "It's fine. Really."

Your hands went around his neck to pull him in for a kiss, hoping it was enough to distract him. You weren't confident that he believed you, but he stopped talking once your mouth was on his.

He broke away long enough to lift you up under your arms, setting you on the counter and pushing in between your legs to get as close to you as possible.

"Are you listening to my thoughts right now?" he whispered in your ear.

As if you needed to. Listening to his breathing, feeling his chest against yours, his body straining to get closer, it was enough. "No."

"Maybe you should."

He tapped the bottom of your chin, telling you to look at him without needing to use any words. It was easy to indulge yourself and allow yourself to take a small peak into his mind. So you put your toe in the water of his thoughts, nothing more, because if you waded in too deep, you'd probably...


Oh wow.

....that could be fun.

You instantly blushed and looked away.

He chuckled softly and brought your face back to look at him. "It's not fair that you get to know what's going on in my head," he said, "and I have to guess what's going on in yours."

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