Ch. 27 The New Villain on the Block

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Bakugo leaned forward onto the table, resting his chin on the heel of his hand. Keep your eyes open, he told himself; they'll think you're paying attention if you just keep your eyes open.

The lights were off in the briefing room so that everyone could see the screen better, but damn, that wasn't helping. He really should have gone to bed earlier last night, but no, it was worth it.

Eyes open. Pay attention. Power through. Plus ultra or some shit. 

"As you all know, the city has recently seen an increase in villain turf wars," the police chief was telling the briefing room as she pulled up the list of recent villain attacks.

Bakugo was half listening and half checking his phone. It's not like any of this was brand new information, but what was brand new was that you had started texting him. A lot. All night. 

That's not entirely true. He had sent the first message, a careful "made it home?" sent a few hours after you left with your ugly grocery-store roses and that rich bastard the other night. 

He'd been embarrassed for himself the second he'd sent it and almost cracked the damn phone in half just to spare himself the cringe of having to look at his message and your reply. 

Texting just felt so fucking stupid. Why couldn't you talk on the phone, or even better, in person? He'd rather have you where he could look at you, for a bunch of reasons, instead of across town in that dump you lived in.  

It's not like you were two kids scared to talk to each other. You were grown ass adults for christ's sake. Adults whose hands had explored all kinds of places on each other's bodies.

Ah, hell, now he was thinking about your body.

The fleshy part of your hip.

The way your lower back arched into his hand.

"You okay over there?" Kirishima whispered.


Bakugo forced himself to put away his phone.

But then he checked it one last time, making sure it was set to vibrate.

He didn't always reply to you right away because he didn't want to look fucking desperate, but that didn't seem to stop you from sending him memes and links to videos you thought were funny. 

He imagined you sitting on your couch, or maybe bed, yeah, definitely your bed since it was usually at night, giggling your cute little giggle when you sent him a dumb picture that was only halfway funny, but seemed funnier because it was coming from you.

So, okay, villains were fighting, heroes needed to stop them. This was old news. Why were they even there again? The flying piece of trash the hero commission had put in charge hadn't even shown up, but they had to be here? So stupid. 

Bakugo noticed that even the police chief was glancing toward the door every now and then, probably wondering where the hell he was, just like everyone else.

Bakugo checked his phone in his pocket again. Just to make sure.


"We are very lucky,'" the chief continued, "because no one has been killed... yet."

Bakugo was listening, kind of, as he looked around at everyone gathered there, his eyes settling on Todoroki on the other side of the room. He had to give Todoroki a little credit for having the balls to bring you flowers to his apartment that night. The roses had been for you, but the message to Bakugo had been loud and clear.

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