Ch. 18 The Listener

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A/n - If you hadn't realized it by now, I'm not at all sticking to the manga / anime timeline. This is a totally separate story I'm imagining. Just wanted to throw that out there as things start to get a little crazy! Thanks for reading! 

You sulked into the room behind Dabi. The bandage on your shoulder covered where he had branded you, but it occasionally rubbed against your shirt as you walked, each time making you wince in pain.

Shigaraki was already there, apparently waiting on you both, his eyes bloodshot and irritated.

Watching him scratch ruthlessly at his own skin, part of you wanted to step into his brain, even for just a second, to get a heads up on whatever he was planning. But the last time you tried that, you almost didn't make it out, the pain had been so intense, so you didn't dare make a second attempt. You were dealing with enough pain of your own.

You tapped your foot, picked at your nails, played with your bracelet, anything to take your mind of your throbbing shoulder. All you really wanted to do was go home and cry, but no, in front of this asshole you wanted to appear cool, casual, aloof, like it was no big deal that this super scary motherfucker wanted to meet with you. No big deal. Right?

The more time passed, the more you realized that you were going to need a pain med stronger than whatever you had taken back at your apartment. The only positive part of this night, you considered, was that maybe villains had access to heavy pain killers.

"Do you guys deal drugs or anything?" you asked.

Shigaraki seemed surprised that you had spoken. "Why?"

"Because someone," you shot a hateful glare over to Dabi, "gave me a reason to need some strong pain killers."

"I don't need to hear about your sex life," Shigaraki huffed.

"Jealous?" Dabi smirked.

"Very funny. I'm talking about this," you said, pulling down your shirt and pointing at your bandage.

"You're doing that branding thing again?" Shigaraki asked Dabi, almost as if you weren't there. "How many does that make now?"

Dabi came up from behind you, his arm going around your shoulder and his hand gripping the spot where he had burned you. You wanted to cry out in pain, but you also didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"Only one still alive."

He kissed your hair before he let go of your shoulder and left the room.

"You." Shigaraki shifted his attention back to you. "You're working tonight, too."

"Doing what?"

"Whatever I say."

"I can't do what you say if you don't say anything."

"We've captured a hero."

Your eyes shot up to meet his.

"I thought that would get your attention," Shigaraki sneered. "Not a high ranking one, but he'll do." He tossed you a canvas bag, and inside was a black jacket and a face mask. "Put those on," he told you. "We don't need him recognizing you."

"Do I know him?"

"How would I know? Just put it on and go in the other room."

"If you're worried about him seeing me, it must mean you're going to let him go afterwards."

"Maybe you are smart after all. Yes, we're going to let him go...eventually, so he can report back to his disgusting pals on all of the scary things he learned about the League of Villains. No press is bad press, right?"

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