Ch. 9 Search and Rescue

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Where the hell was Dabi?

As people streamed past you toward the door, desperate to get out, you swatted smoke out of your face and tried to find your boyfriend in the chaos.

Damn it, where was he? You knew if you didn't get out soon, you could be caught up in the flames as well. For a second you were torn – you couldn't just leave without him, though. So you took a deep breath and turned to go straight into the place where the smoke was the thickest.

But before you got very far someone walking by grabbed you and yanked you through the back of the house and out the door. It was too hard to fight the mob of people going that direction, so soon you found yourself standing in the grass while the building burned in front of you.

Once outside, it seemed like everyone was scattering away since police and heroes were on the scene. The fire department hadn't shown up yet and the building was quickly being engulfed in flames.

Your heart raced at the idea of people still being inside, especially since it seemed like the heroes and police were more concerned with arresting the people who had made it out. You had never seen anything like this before, and you couldn't help but stare in shock at the fire growing. With all that smoke, it was going to be hard for heroes to find anyone still in there even if they did go in.

A chill ran down your spine. Was Dabi still in there? Was he okay?

You started to take out your phone to call him but instead your hands went to your ears, grabbing and covering them; the noises you were hearing were so loud that it hurt.

You couldn't tell if this was all in your head or if you were really hearing it at first, but then you slowly realized that, without even wanting to, you had started to hear the thoughts of the people still trapped inside.

They were so loud. And they were scared.

And that's when you realized that if you could hear their thoughts, maybe you could find them and get them out.

As if your body was moving on its own, you rushed back into the burning house. Someone tried to stop you, but you shrugged them off.

I can do this, you told yourself.

You opened the back door to a cloud of smoke. You dropped down on the floor and closed your eyes, trying to concentrate, trying to listen for thoughts.

Almost right away you were able to hear something. A woman. No, two women. Scared.

You crawled through the room and were able to find two barely conscious young women in the first room you came to. You grabbed their hands and managed to pull them out the back door.

Then you went back in.

Listening again for people's thoughts as best you could, you could hear a man in pain. His thoughts were loud. It was easy to follow them which led you to where he had fallen and hurt his leg in the chaos, but with your help he was able to stand and limp out the back door.

Then you went back in.

You knew you didn't have much time at this point so you listened as hard as you could. You were able to find another young woman who was either out of her mind from fear or drugs or both, but either way she was completely disoriented, and you helped her get to the back door. But when you saw the back door...


The fire had spread so that it blocked your way out and there was no way to make it all the way to the door.

Every breath was starting to burn in your chest. You knew it was from the smoke and you knew you didn't have much time.

Thankfully you saw a window nearby so you tried kicking it, but it didn't break. Finding a chair, you threw it against the window and finally it broke, allowing the two of you to get out through the broken glass.

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