Ch. 22 Pull My Hair

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You were so over watching him play this stupid game. How long had it been? Too long. You tried asking Shigaraki if you could have a turn, but he pretty much acted like you weren't even there.

Except that you were there, had been there, were still there and had to listen to both the game and his raggedy breathing in your ear while he played. All while you could have been sleeping in your bed at home.

The game didn't make any sense and he wasn't explaining it and soon your head was drooping as you struggled to keep your eyes open.

"You awake?" you vaguely heard Shigaraki ask.


Dabi left awhile ago. He didn't make him stay. You, however, were cursed to live the rest of your life watching Shigaraki play video games. Or at least that's how it felt.

Shigaraki was still sitting behind you in the big chair, leaning over your shoulder to see the tv while he held the game controller in front of you, his arms around you. It didn't take much for your eyes to close, lulled to sleep by the soundtrack of his stupid game.

Maybe this was a dream. Maybe this was a bad dream, and you'd wake up soon. No. You weren't that lucky.

Shigaraki nudged you. "Asleep on the job? Can't handle the long hours?"

"Apparently not," you yawned. "Maybe you should fire me."

"I could."

"So do it."

"Back to what I was saying. Were you even listening?"

"Probably not."

You heard a noise and wondered if that was his version of a laugh? He tossed the controller onto the couch and leaned back in the deep leather chair, his body finally away from yours. For a second. But that second was too long for him because then he pulled you back so that your back was resting on his chest.

"Pay attention." He talked with his hands over you, waving them in the air as he spoke and giving you the pleasure of checking out his red and raw cuticles and nails that needed to be filed. Badly.

"Now that we know that this Keigo Takami is leading the heroes against the League, we need info on him."



"Find someone else to do it."

You tried to get up out of the chair, but he pulled you back down.

"This isn't optional, y/n," he said. "I am telling you because this is your job. I'm not finding someone else when you're right here."

"I've been meaning to ask something about that, actually."

Since he wouldn't let you up, you simply turned around to face him. Shigaraki didn't stop you, which was about what you expected, since from the way he was staring at you, you imagined that there hadn't been many girls sitting in his lap like this in the past.

"Are there other people who work for you? Or is this League really just you, me, and Dabi? Because the name 'League' implies a lot of people and I'm just not seeing them."

The way Shigaraki's eyes leered at you let you know that he wasn't listening to you at all. He wasn't even looking at your face. Dear god, was he drooling? You shifted in the chair to put a little distance between your body and his, just in case.

"There are plenty of people who agree with our cause," he said, almost absentmindedly. "You'll meet them when you need to."

Both of Shigaraki's hand were resting on your thighs, one finger up, hovering, threatening.

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