Ch. 13 Confrontation

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"I said, what are you doing here?" Bakugo asked, staying in the door way, watching you. 

"Um, putting away my jacket and purse," you said. "Todoroki was just giving me a tour and - "

"That's not what I meant and you know it. So you're best friends with the half and half bastard now?"

"No, we ran into each other today and he invited me here."

"What a coincidence."

"I wasn't aware that I needed your permission to be his friend," you replied. 

"You don't. You just don't have to be so obvious about trying to make me jealous."

You scrunched up your face. "Make you jealous? What are you even talking about?" 

You both went silent as a server walked by the room with a tray full of food.

"Whatever," he said as soon as it was just the two of you again. "After yesterday, you have some explaining to do."

Yesterday? Did he know about what happened last night? There was no way he could know. You wracked your brain trying to think of how he could possibly know what had happened with the fire and Shigaraki. It was impossible. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," you said carefully. "Now if you'll excuse me..."

You tried to walk out of the room past him, but he put an arm across the doorway to stop you.

"Maybe you don't remember since you were half dead in the yard of a known villain hangout."

"I was... Wait... you were there, last night?"

"Of course I was fucking there." He looked down the hall to where the server had gone. You could both hear people talking and laughing in the main room. " We can't talk about this in the hallway. Get in here."

He took his arm down and moved the two of you into the room, shutting the door behind him so that no one would hear you.

"When they're trying to catch someone that big, they send the best," he said. "So tell me how you go from coughing your lungs up at a villain hide out to showing up here acting like everything is fine. Start talking."

"I thought this was a dinner party, not an interrogation. I'm going to go find Shoto."

"No," he said, catching you by the arm. "Not until you tell me why you were there last night."

"Am I under arrest?" you said sharply. His grip on your arm was not soft. "This is ridiculous. Look, I didn't know what I was walking into. My boyfriend... ex-boyfriend... he.."

"Ex?" he asked, loosening his grip on your arm.

"Yeah, that's over. I had no idea what that was last night. I got out of there as soon as I could after that fire. Can you let me go now?"

He dropped your arm but stayed right in front of you. Some of the anger seemed to be gone and in its place was something like concern. 

"Y/n, when I saw you, you could barely breathe. At first I thought.... I didn't know what to think. You wouldn't stop coughing."

"I know, each time I went in I got more and more smoke in my lungs."

"Each time you... y/n, you went back into a burning building after you got out?" His eyes were wide with shock. "Why the fuck would you do that?"

Was he dense? "To get people out," you said, "why else? I managed to get five, but I'm pretty sure there were --"

He interrupted your sentence by abruptly pulling you close, his lips roughly pressing against your own.

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