Ch. 37 The Betrayal Pt. 2

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This is still part of the flashback...

Hawks proudly burst into your room, not even waiting for you to get to the door after he knocked, holding up two cups.

"I brought us bubble tea!" he exclaimed, forcing a big smile and holding one out to you.

"Um, okay? What's the occasion?"

"Does there have to be one?"

"I guess not."

"And you're done for the day, right?" Hawks asked, holding the tea back so you couldn't reach it, just in case. "They're not sending anyone else?"

"Not that I know of. The police all left hours ago. Thankfully that one dude wasn't here today," you grimaced.

"Oh. Good," Hawks said, remembering that officer being at the meeting with him hours earlier.

"Here," he said, practically pushing the tea into your hand. "Drink up. I have to go."

"Already? You just got here." You took the tea from him and took a sip. "Not bad."

"Glad you like it. I will be right back!" Hawks called to you, his red wings already brushing against your doorway as he flew out the door.

Breathing a huge sigh of relief that that part was over, that you hadn't read his thoughts and hadn't listened in his head to the awful lies he'd told the commissioner, Hawks took off into the night sky and flew around the building.

He checked his phone. Five minutes should be enough, he assumed, for the drug to work. Then he could go back.

Hours later, the two of you laid side by side on your backs on the roof of your building, staring up at the sky and talking about your day. He'd grabbed some pillows and blankets from your room and together you'd made a little bed on the flat concrete floor.

As you stared at the stars and tried to find the constellations, Hawks reached over and took your hand; it fit into his so perfectly, like it always did, like it was meant to be there. Sensing his touch, you rolled over onto your side to face him, and he did the same.

Was this it, he wondered? Was this your last night together?

"You don't want to do this forever, right?" he asked quietly.

"Do what? Sneak out with you and hang out on the roof? No, I do kind of like my bed...especially if you're in it."

"I'm not joking around," he said. "I mean this job. I can tell that it's taking a toll on you. I wouldn't want to spend one minute inside the mind of a criminal, and you literally do it all day long."

"Don't worry about me," you said, tapping him on the nose. "I want to be helpful. I want to do something useful. For the first time in my life, I feel important. And now that I have you, it's so much more bearable. You have no idea how much lighter I feel when you're here with me."

"Your work shouldn't have to be 'bearable,' y/n. I'm only saying this because I hate seeing you sad."

"Yeah, this job sucks sometimes, but this is something only I can do."

"The police can interrogate criminals, y/n. You don't have to do that."

"But I can find out so much more! Think of all the cases I've helped solve, the families that got answers... I may not enjoy it all the time, but this job is important to people; it makes a difference."

"What's important to me is you," he said. "I'm just saying, if you quit, I think you'd be a lot happier."

"You think I should quit?"

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