Ch. 38 Leaving the Hospital

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Bakugo wanted to yell and hit something, and would have, but there were people around.

Standing outside, Bakugo took a deep breath, trying to steady himself, and leaned back against the brick wall of the hospital. A rape kit? They thought he raped you? What the actual fuck?

When you woke up, you'd be able to tell them everything. And then he'd get to see you. He had to focus on that.

It didn't make him feel any better that Todoroki and Hawks were still up there in the waiting room. When you woke up, not if but when, he wouldn't be there, because he wasn't allowed to be, and he knew exactly how that half and half would try to play it.

What right did they have to be there by your side, while he was escorted out of the building like a damn criminal?

He slammed his hand against the wall and closed his eyes to try to tamp down the rage that was building up inside, threatening to explode at any second.

"Having a bad day, hero?"

Bakugo's eyes snapped open at the sound of the voice beside him. He was about to tell whoever this was to shut the hell up, but then he saw the man pull back his sleeve to reveal a blue flame forming in his palm of his hand.

"I guess I'm not the only one here checking on my girl," Dabi said.

A blue flame. Even with the man's face hidden underneath the hood of his jacket, Bakugo immediately knew who this was.

"So you know who I am," Dabi chuckled. "I am flattered."

"You're the monster who murders innocent women."

"Only if they're boring."

"You're sick."

Bakugo tried to determine how many civilians were present, mentally mapping out how he could get them away from this guy if he tried something. Would he be able to take him into custody here? Or were they too close to the hospital if there was a fight?

"You heroes," Dabi said, his voice mocking Bakugo with every word, "are the ones with the sickness you can't seem to shake, this repulsive desire to save people, as if that somehow matters. When you really can't save anyone. Take y/n for example. Poor girl is a villain now, and look at what happened to her. You couldn't even save her."

"Don't say her name," Bakugo growled, tiny sparks popping in his palms.

"Calm down, hero. Don't make a scene," Dabi said lowly. "We're just two guys talking. We don't want to draw any unnecessary attention."

Dabi finally looked at him, and Bakugo's blood ran cold at the sight of his blue eyes staring out from his hood.

"If you know who I am, then you already know that I don't work alone," Dabi said lowly. "You might be able to take me on, but I'm not the only one here who can cause damage."

Bakugo's eyes darted around, trying to determine if any of the people he saw were known villains.

"Looking for the other League members?" Dabi asked. "Huh. It's so interesting how villains sometimes look like regular people, don't you think? But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"

"Shut. Up." Bakugo growled.

"No. I'm enjoying our chat. You know, I could burn you alive. We're outside a hospital, so you might stand a chance of living, if you could get treatment fast enough."

Bakugo saw another blue flame form on the tip of Dabi's finger, and Bakugo tensed.

But all Dabi did was light a cigarette.

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