Ch. 42 Fight in the Alley

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"Let's dance!" the girl yelled over the music to Bakugo, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of his chair while he finished the drink in his hand.

"No fucking way," Bakugo tried to tell her, his words slurring. He wasn't sure she even heard him. Bakugo stumbled behind her as she dragged him forward.

"Your friend said you needed someone to cheer you up." She leaned in close, speaking right into his ear so that he could hear her. "So let me."

"I'm... " Forming a sentence felt like wading through thick glue. "Not.... Interested."

"You sure about that?"

One of her hands snaked down his chest before he caught it in his.

"I said I'm not interested."

His hand still on hers, she held both of their hands up in the air and spun around, as if he had done that on purpose. "See, isn't this fun?" she shouted over the music.


He tried to yank his hand free, but she wouldn't let go, continuing to dance in front of him.

"Damn it!" he growled.

Laughing, she held his hand tightly, spinning around to grind on him to the music.

He backed up to put some distance between them, but even when he finally decided to use more strength to get his hand free, all he succeeded in doing was bringing her close to him since she held on.

Before Bakugo had a chance to react, her lips were on his.


"You look great!" Kirishima shouted, too loudly. "How weird is it to run into you here!"

"You have to go!" you shouted back. "This isn't the place for you. If anyone saw you here," you said, glancing around to make sure you didn't see anyone from the League. But then you gave Kirishima a second glance, noticing the flush of his cheeks and the awkward way he was swaying even though he stood still.

"Are you...drunk?"

"Kind of?" He hiccupped. There was no 'kind of' about it. He looked wasted. You were starting to feel tipsy yourself from those shots you did with Toga.

"Oh, man. I can't wait to tell Bakugo you're here!"

"He's here?" you asked, eyes immediately darting around the room to find him. "Where? Tell me right now. You guys have to go."

"Last time I saw him was right over there," Kirishima pointed into the crowd, and as if in slow motion, your eyes followed his finger.

There he was.

You hadn't seen Bakugo in weeks, and now... your heart leapt into your throat when you saw his back first, but then he turned around and was....

....holding a girl's hand in his and spinning her around on the dance floor.

"Okay, s-so," Kirishima stuttered, both of you staring as the girl started to grind against him. Kirishima tried to move to stand in front of you and block your view, but you pushed him aside. "I'm sure that's not anything, they're just—"

And then they were kissing.

"Well, fuck," you heard Kirishima say.

"Y/n!" Kirishima shouted behind you, but no way, you had no desire to stand there and watch him make out with some girl. "Hey, wait!"

You weren't running away. No, not this time. This time you were headed straight for him. 

And you'd had just enough alcohol that this seemed like a good idea. 

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