Ch. 36 The Betrayal

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Flashback to two years ago...

Hawks picked up the pill bottle and rolled it around in his hand.

Waiting for the local commissioner to come to the conference room, Hawks let his eyes roam over the boxes of evidence left out on the table from the previous meeting. He'd seen the quirk canceling handcuffs before, and he was grateful that they wouldn't work on him.

Curious about the other items, Hawks leaned over to get a better look and read their descriptions. He was less familiar with a few of them: something that looked like a collar, little vials of pills and liquids – maybe poisons? - like the one he'd picked up, and a gun that he was fairly confident didn't shoot normal bullets.

"Those pills can temporarily stop a quirk in less than five minutes," he heard the commissioner say as she walked into the room. "These are just some of the latest ways that villains are attempting to combat hero quirks. But we can also use them against them. See something that interests you?"

Hawks quickly spun around and flashed a smile. "Oh, you know, I'm always interested in the next new thing," Hawks told her.

"I'm glad to hear you say that. When you move up to the national level, we're going to miss that spirit around here."

"Aw, you'll miss me!" Hawks exclaimed. "You know, I could always stay. I like it here. In fact, I could see myself settling down, making a nest, so to speak, and –"

"You know that's not possible. We've already discussed your next assignment with you, and the national hero commission is looking forward to meeting you. They have big plans for you once you move, Hawks."

"Yeah, I've been meaning to talk to you guys about that..." Hawks started to say.


"I sort of like what I'm doing now. Can't I just keep this job instead?"

While he waited for an answer, Hawks realized that they weren't alone. One of the police officers that sometimes worked with you had followed in behind the commissioner and stood in the corner of the room. 

Of all the guys to come with her today, it was that guy? The creepy way he stared at you during interrogations wasn't lost on Hawks, and Hawks alternated between cringing and being furious when he watched this officer try to flirt with you and find little ways to touch you. 

The commissioner sat down in one of the large chairs around the table, her eyes narrowing at Hawks as she looked him over slowly.

"You want to stay," she said. "We thought you might say that. But that can't be. The national level needs everyone they can get right now, which is why we're thinking about sending them not just you, but y/n as well."

"Really?" Hawks almost shouted. His heart started to race with the possibilities.

The two of you, a team, together. He wouldn't have to leave you after all, and you'd get a change of scenery and a new assignment, which he knew you desperately needed. He'd seen the way this work was affecting you. The more terrible things you learned that criminals did, the more the light seemed to leave your beautiful eyes. This could be perfect chance for a change.

Truly, moving together to the big city was better than he could have hoped for, but the look on the commissioner's face didn't match the relief he felt.

"It's no secret that you are very... visible," the commissioner said. "And you'll continue to be even more visible as you work your way up the hero ladder. That's why we need her, too, as a less visible way to infiltrate the villain world."

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