Ch. 51 Team Work Makes the Dream Work

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"You asked that fucker to keep an eye on her, too? I can't fucking believe this."

"Well," Hawks tried to weigh his words to Bakugo carefully. The situation in his office was already tense enough. "You couldn't go near her at the hospital or after so someone needed to. It wasn't like she would talk to me."

Bakugo turned to Todoroki, fires already starting in his hands. "So how did 'keeping an eye on her' turn into a forced engagement, asshole?"

Shoto sat calmly in his chair, but had the decency to at least stare down at his hands awkwardly. "Maybe I got carried away..."

"You fucking think?"

Hawks checked again to make sure the door of his office was closed and said a tiny prayer in the hopes that all three of them would leave the room alive.

He turned around, surveying the situation. Bakugo paced back and forth, refusing to sit down, while Todoroki sat in one of the big office chairs, his expression unreadable as ever. The calmer Todoroki was, the angrier Bakugo was becoming.

"I'm not apologizing if I blow this whole place up!" Bakugo shouted. "Which I'm about to do if I have to look at his smug face for another fucking minute."

"Jealousy isn't a good look on you, Bakugo," Shoto said calmly.

"I should murder you right now for even breathing the same air as me."

Obviously this was going great so far.

Hawks purposefully moved so that he was standing in-between the two men, spreading out his wings to force a greater distance between them.

"We have a common goal," Hawks tried to say, "and there's no reason why we can't all get -- "

"Y/n is safe with me, every night, Bakugo, and has been for weeks," Shoto said. "Could she say the same before that? Because if I remember correctly, she ended up in the hospital, and if I also remember correctly, you never once even visited her."

"I wonder whose fault that was!" Bakugo yelled at him. "I had no idea you were this big of a piece of crap!"

"Enough!" Hawks yelled at both of them. "All of us want to help y/n so sit down and shut up. Shoto. You're up first. We need to talk about the recent developments."

"You're right, we do. I don't know how much longer he's going to be satisfied with just the files. He asked me to meet him tonight and —"

"Who the fuck are you talking about?" Bakugo interrupted.

Shoto looked to Hawks who shook his head just the tiniest bit.

"The villain Dabi," Hawks said for him. "Shoto has been helping us with some undercover work."

"What? Why?"

"Shoto, your main job was to help us apprehend... the villain. That's what the commission approved. That was your role in all of this, as it's been since the beginning."

"I know, and I've been working on that, but—"

"But you have apparently lost your damn mind." Hawks held up his phone, an article about your engagement on the screen. "This was not part of the plan. She is not part of the plan. I expressly told you that you were to keep an eye on her and that was it."

"But I'm getting y/n away from all of this," Shoto said quickly. "We're leaving after the party on a trip I have planned out. I'll flying her far away until all of this blows over, giving you plenty of time to arrest... him."

"She's not going anywhere with you," Bakugo growled.

"Right now all you need to do is create the situation where Dabi is alone and we can get to him. I'll do the rest," Hawks told him. "We're ending this. All of this, and that includes this weird fake relationship."

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