Ch. 16 Sleeping with the Enemy

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You felt like you were going to throw up.

Dabi had seen you as Bakugo took you away, and you'd seen the look in his eyes. It was nothing short of murderous. This was bad. This was very bad. How long would it take before he followed you down the street to where you and Bakugo had landed?



Breathe, damn it.

As Bakugo set you down on the pavement, you struggled to take a deep breath, your body instead only allowing you short gasps that were doing nothing to calm your rapidly beating heart.

"I don't feel right," you mumbled, also realizing that your teeth were chattering, even though it wasn't cold. Were you having a heart attack, was that what this was? Were you about to die?

"Then why the hell were you out with that half and half bastard if you're sick?" you heard Bakugo ask but you were so in your own head that it sounded like he was a million miles away.

Everything felt like it was spinning, and you had to put a hand on his shoulder to steady yourself.

Was Dabi on his way there? Was he following you? What would he do?

You knew that Dabi was going to find you, and even though you'd already be dead from whatever the hell this was, he'd kill you again anyway just for good measure.

Your fingers involuntarily played with your bracelet as your brain raced with all of the possibilities of the twisted ways he would torture you.

Try to breathe.

"Maybe it was all that smoke. I don't know. I feel like... I feel like I can't get any air."

"I'll take you home."

Oh hell no. Dabi knew where you lived. Home was the very last place you wanted to go. Your purse and phone had been left in the limo, which you were pretty sure didn't even exist anymore. If Dabi couldn't call you, you had no doubt that he would just show up.

Truthfully, you didn't know where to go. It was possible that Dabi was still following you and was about to arrive any minute. You knew you'd have to go home eventually, but right now, when you knew he was this angry? No way.

"No," you said, still trying to take short little breaths to stop your teeth from chattering. "No. I can't... I just need to sit down."

You carefully sat on the curb and folded your arms over your knees, putting your head down to try to stop the nausea you felt coming over you. And it helped to block out the noise of your own thoughts for once.

Bakugo had called you weak before when you wouldn't tell him who hit you. Now he must know he's right, you thought. Normally you didn't care what anyone thought, but all of that confidence had vanished in an instant and it pissed you off and made all of this that much worse.

"Hey, look at me," you heard him say.

You couldn't.

"I said look at me."

Still taking tiny gasping breaths to try to calm down, slowly you picked up your head and opened your eyes. Bakugo was squatting on the ground in front of you at eye level.

"You're having a panic attack."

"Huh?" you swallowed to keep from throwing up.

"Don't feel special. It's normal considering what just happened."

"I'm fine, I just need a minute. I just need..." you couldn't say another word because you were worried you actually would throw up on him and then really, how could this get much worse?

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