Ch. 17 Tiny Flame

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"You're here?"

"Yeah," you said slowly, watching the confused expression on Todoroki's face. "I..."

Before you could say anything else, Bakugo interrupted you. "What do you want?"

Todoroki was still wearing the same clothes he'd had on earlier for your date. The only difference now was that he had rolled up the sleeves and the top buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, his white undershirt peeking out.

He looked from you to Bakugo. "You weren't answering your phone either," he said to Bakugo. "I thought Kirishima might be here."

"Why would he be here?"

"Because I can't find him. When we went back in after the initial explosion, one of my sidekicks told me they saw him going into the warehouse to rescue someone, but I didn't see him after."

Bakugo immediately grabbed his phone and started making a call. "Why was he trying to rescue fucking villains? There was no one else there."

"I didn't see any civilians either," Todoroki agreed. "I just know that he isn't answering his phone. When I couldn't get in touch with you, I went to his place, but he wasn't there."

Bakugo stormed off into the other room, still trying to make calls.

"Y/n," Todoroki said. "I tried calling you, too, but..."

"My phone is gone," you said quickly. "My phone and purse were still in the limo when..." You had a horrible realization. "Shoto! Your driver - "

"He's okay," Todoroki explained, coming to sit by you on the couch. "He was already out of the car when the fire hit."

You breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"So....?" Todoroki asked. Noticing your clothes, Todoroki took off his shirt and put it around your shoulders. He watched you thread your arms through it to button it over Bakugo's t-shirt, and you knew he was expecting some kind of explanation. "I'm not understanding. Why are you here?"

"I.... I was feeling," you tried to say as you fumbled with your clothes. "You see, I felt...No, I feel..." Words weren't working right at the moment, each one seeming to stick in your throat.

"She had a panic attack and was about to puke her guts out," Bakugo spoke for you, suddenly back in the room. "We didn't know where the fuck you were. She needed a babysitter, so I made her come here."

"Oh." Todoroki looked relieved. "Bakugo, that cut on your arm, you should get that stitched up."

Bakugo scoffed as he continued furiously texting on his phone. "I didn't need you to tell me that."

You hadn't realized how bad it was when you saw the rip earlier, but now that you really looked at it without his costume on, the cut on his bicep did look pretty deep. He'd carried you all that way, you realized, despite how much that must have hurt.

"And you, are you okay now?" Todoroki asked, and you nodded. Todoroki picked up your dress, bracelet, and shoes from where you'd left them on the floor and held them in his hands. "If this is it, then I think I got everything. Are you ready?"

You blinked up at Todoroki from where you sat on the couch. "Ready for....?"

"For me to take you home."

"Oh. I mean, okay, I guess." A few hours had passed, so it was probably okay to go home. You shot a glance over at Bakugo who was still buried in his phone. He hardly seemed to even notice that the two of you were there, so there didn't appear to be any reason to stay. But even though... you still wanted to. With a sigh, you looked around for your keys but...

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