Ch. 11 Take the Money

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Damn, your face hurt. The side of your face where he had hit you felt like hammers had pounded on the side of your skull.

Despite the pain, you quickly realized that you were no longer tied to that chair, so you sat up, maybe too fast, and had to clutch your head in your hands.

When you were finally able to open your eyes, you realized you were on a couch in someone's living room. How long had you been out? There was no way to tell. The last thing you remember was Shigaraki's face, laughing at you, before his fist made contact with your cheek.

Your hand cupped your sore cheek; that whole side throbbed like a bitch. You didn't have a mirror but you could feel the swelling which meant there had to be a bruise of some kind.

You felt a surge of anger when you remembered that you'd done what he'd asked and then he'd still hit you. Shigaraki hadn't killed you, sure, but the asshole had knocked you out. 

Right now the bastard was standing near the window with his back to you, looking out. Just the sight of his stupid black coat and stupid blue hair made you want to hit him back.

Was he going to say anything? Were the two of you going to sit here in silence for forever? You were about to get up and just walk out on your own when he finally spoke.

"Dabi, get your ass in here," he called over his shoulder to the other room. "She's up."

Hearing Dabi's name made you that much angrier. He had been the one to tie you to the chair, and not in some kind of fun, sexy way, either. That black haired asshole had literally tied you down so this blue haired asshole could torture you.

And you thought heroes were bad. These guys weren't looking too great at the moment either.

Dabi walked in rubbing his own face. "You didn't have to actually hit me, you know."

"Sorry," Shigaraki said, still facing the window. "Maybe I was jealous that you brought the pretty girl with you."

"And how'd my girl do?" Dabi asked, coming over to you and crouching in front of you. Dabi moved to touch your face but you jerked back. Like hell you were ever letting him touch you again.

Shigaraki turned around slowly and met your stare, holding eye contact for what felt like an eternity before he finally spoke.

"I think she might actually be scarier than me." 


Shigaraki gave you some instructions about where to report, and you put it in your phone, but the rest of what he said was a blur. You refused to speak to him or Dabi.

All you wanted was for this night to end. You wanted to go home, take a shower, find some clean clothes, and pretend like none of this had happened. 

Outside you waited on a taxi, but it was so late that the street was mostly empty. You were about to just start walking when you heard the familiar gutteral vroom of a motorcycle as that tall brooding asshole pulled up alongside the curb. He took off his helmet and grinned. 

"So welcome to the team, eh?" Dabi asked casually. Too casually. As if none of this had happened. He pulled out the second helmet that he kept with him and held it out to you. 

You didn't move. Like hell you were going to talk to him and you were certainly not getting on that motorcycle with him ever again. 

"You get why I had to do that, right, baby?"


"I had to promise to do that or he never would have met with you. A guy in his position can't be too cautious." 

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