Ch. 47 Bakugo and Hawks

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Dressed in all black, Bakugo crouched on the roof of the building, his red eyes staring across the street at the line of people waiting to get into the bar where you worked.

Happy people. Laughing people. None of them realizing that inside the bar lurked some of the most dangerous criminals the country had ever seen.

He'd been one of these people, well maybe not the happy, laughing type, but he'd been at that bar last night just like them, not knowing the truth until you showed him, you freaking showed him with your mind. How insanely badass was that?

Bakugo had gone to the gym to sweat out his hangover this morning, but then he'd channeled all of his anger and frustration into figuring out a plan to get you away from the League. He just hadn't come up with one yet. The best he could do right now was be there when you got to work so he could talk to you without Todoroki hanging around.

He checked his phone. Nothing from you. The bar was already busy, the loud bass of the music thumping through the air.

Bakugo left the roof and headed down the fire escape, quickly hiding himself in a side alley across the street from bar. He wanted to be able to see you when you got to work, so he waited. And watched.

Leaning against the brick wall of the building, Bakugo thought about last night. Were you somewhere thinking about it, too?

The hottest girl he had ever seen could read minds and send thoughts telepathically? And he'd had you filing papers in his office as a damn secretary? Man, he had been stupid.

He checked the time again, but a noise made him put his phone back in his pocket and sigh.

"You can come out now, bird."

A fluttering of red wings descended into the alley next to him.

"You have good instincts, Bakugo. I'll give you that."

"You following me now, too?"

"Nah. I'm just proud that you finally left your house last night. And now two nights in a row? Look at you."

Bakugo kept his eyes on the bar, ignoring the winged hero next to him. "You've been following her to work."

"Looks like you're doing the same thing tonight."

"Maybe I am."

"Do you know who owns that fine establishment over there?" Hawks asked, gesturing to the bar.

"I have a feeling you're about to tell me."

"The bar used to be owned by this one man for a long, long time. Really disgusting guy, in and out of jail all the time for drugs, sex trafficking, the whole thing. But, then recently the bar was deeded over to someone else, under a fake name, with no actual sale. So tell me, why would someone like that hand over their business and not even earn one dollar from it?"

"Because they were forced to," Bakugo answered.

"Or because they were dead."

The two men stared across the street in silence.

"Hey," Bakugo finally said. "I'm only going to say this once, so listen closely. You were right about y/n working for villains."

"Yeah," Hawks nodded and leaned back against the building next to him. "I know."

"She's still nothing like those bastards."

"Yeah, I know."

"I have to get her away from them as soon as possible. I need to take out the fire user first before he tries anymore of the fucked up shit he's done to other girls."

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