Ch. 53 To The Engagement Party

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You didn't want an engagement party.

You didn't even want to be engaged, yet here you were, sort of, trying to pick between two dresses that Shoto had bought for you. A long, sparkling red dress and a shorter blue dress with long sleeves. Thankfully both had high enough necklines to cover Dabi's brand.

Shoto was letting you pick which one you wanted to wear tonight, he'd told you proudly, as if this small choice of dress was some big fucking favor he was doing for you.

You thought for a moment about not wearing either and just showing up in pajamas, or a swim suit, or a costume, as if you were somehow unaware of the whole thing. Oh an engagement party? I had no idea, Shoto! Especially since I'm never marrying you!

Both dresses felt like a costume anyway.

Once you chose the dress, you started looking for jewelry, anything to distract from the monster of a diamond on your left hand.

There was one piece of jewelry that was notably absent. Your bracelet, the one you'd given back to Keigo. The red bracelet would have gone well with the red dress. No time to be sad about that now, though.

Even thinking about the bracelet made you think about your life before. But that was then, and this was now, and if you could just get past this one part...

You were starting to look for a necklace from the dozen or so Shoto had bought, when he poked his head into your room, a drink in his hand.

"You chose the red dress, I see. It looks stunning on you."

You ignored him and held up a couple different necklaces to see how they looked.

With no response from you, Shoto tapped on the door, thinking maybe you hadn't heard him.



"I'm going to go ahead and go so I can take care of a few things first," he said. "I'll meet you there?"

More silence.

"Are you going to speak to me?" he tried again.

Your eyes flashed a quick glare at him in the mirror. "Do you deserve to be spoken to?"

"I brought you bubble tea. I heard... I heard that you liked it?"

With no response from you, Shoto came toward you and carefully placed the drink on the counter in front of you.

"It will get easier from here," he told you, his tone excessively gentle to compensate for your anger. "I know this is hard, but after tonight we'll leave on the trip and be far, far away from the press and fans. Are you packed?" he asked, looking back into your room and not seeing your suitcase anywhere.

"I'm working on it."

"Keep thinking about the beach. Stay focused on that. The sun. The sand. The two of us need a vacation."

You put the necklaces down on the counter and stared down at your bare wrist. "I've never been on vacation."

Shoto came up behind you, putting his hands on the bathroom counter, effectively blocking you in between in his arms. His left hand crept forward, moving on top of yours as his fingers touched the diamond on your hand. 

"It's not too late to change your mind," he said, his voice near your ear. "We'll plan the wedding together. I'll give you the biggest, most beautiful wedding you could imagine."

"Back the fuck up or this ring is going in your eye."

With a disappointed sigh, Shoto took his hands off the counter and headed out. "I'll see you there," he said.

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