Ch. 43 A Meeting of the Minds

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Dabi took a drag off his cigarette and leaned back in his chair as he exhaled, his legs spreading as he took in the view and tried to ignore the blood drying on the wall.

Palming himself through his pants, Dabi lazily watched the two girls making out on the couch in front of him. No doubt, this was a lot better than what he'd been doing earlier, and so far, at least, a lot less messy. Maybe that would change soon.

The visitor interrupted the sloppy sounds of their mouths by clearing his throat, the noise making the girls stop for a second, awaiting instructions like good little puppies. Dabi wasn't sure how they had been trained this well,but he was impressed.

If he had kept the guy alive, Dabi might even have asked him for pointers for training you. Oh well.

"You're late," Dabi said. As if he cared.

"I had an event. I had to at least make an appearance."

"Which one do you want?" Dabi asked his visitor, motioning to the girls. Dabi was feeling generous.

"I want both."

"That's the spirit!" Dabi laughed. "Some things never change, huh? You always were the spoiled one."


"But we can make that happen," Dabi said, snapping his fingers and signaling for the girls to scoot apart. "Especially since you've brought the files, correct?"

Shoto came in and sat down in between the girls, holding up the flash drive. "It's all here. Names and addresses, quirk summaries." Dabi reached for it, but he held it back. "Not yet. Once I give you these files, it's time for you to hold up your end of the bargain."

"What do you need from me that you don't already have? From where I'm sitting, you look like you're doing pretty great, hero. That's a nice suit."

The girls nodded in agreement, and one girl began undoing his red tie before starting to unbutton his shirt.

"You agreed to allow y/n to stop working for the League if I got you this information. I'm here, I did it. Now go tell her she's fired."

"What if I don't want to?"

Dabi patted his lap, and the second girl came over to him, prompting balancing herself on his knee. "It's pretty cute that y/n keeps up this act with you, pretending to be your little goody two-shoes during the day and my whore at night."

With a brush of his hand, Todoroki waved the girl on him away. "But now that's over," Todoroki said. "You burned down her building for me, I got the files for you. That was the agreement."

"I might have changed my mind. Anyway I'd have to ask my boss if I can fire her, and he's unfortunately grown a little fond of her."

"Then change his mind. We've been over this. I need her with me. The higher on the hero ladder I climb, the more information I'll be able to give to you and your band of degenerates. We're going to take down the vile hero culture that creates monsters like our father and end this once and for all."

"Whatever you say. Forgive me, but I still have my doubts that you're committed to that. Especially since you seem to be enjoying the attention," Dabi noted as Todoroki's girl got on the floor between his legs, her hands unbuckling his belt. Todoroki didn't stop her.

"I'm doing what I have to do to become the top hero. I've spent my whole life training for this, and I'm not going to let you mess it up. I'm so close to having everything."

"Including that hot piece of ass you're borrowing from me? Tell me, have you hit it yet? When are you going to let me watch?"

Todoroki petted the girls hair as she worked on his zipper. "It's not my fault that she prefers my lifestyle to... " he looked around the dark room with sticky walls and dirty carpet. "To this."

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