my head hurts

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They say the villain of the story depends on who's telling it. Dabi couldn't be the bad guy to himself, it was pretty obvious that his whole life was to condemn who he saw as the villain. His father.

Endeavor, on the other hand, he's literally the number one hero. But, would he consider his son a villain? I wasn't sure. I couldn't see what was going through his mind.

But, with Touya's crazed confession, his declaration of wanting to go as far as to kill his own brother, tying into the fact that now everyone knew that I knew "Dabi's" true identity?

No matter who tells the story, I'm the villain.

Looking back on it, Touya had always exhibited some kind of crazed behavior, which I had ignored, because of key moments. Moments where he was so kind to me, that I was able to overlook other moments.

After all, we were children.

He was just a kid who wasn't good enough for his father.

And, I was just a kid without a father. With a mother who was barely around. I had one constant, and that was Touya.

He too only had one constant. Just one person, who he could rely on. One person who would always listen with wide, starry-eyes, because she was so idiotically smitten with him.

And that's what made him perfect. He needed me, just as much as I needed him.

So, I overlooked certain behavior.

"I've been training on my own," Touya looked at me and grinned.

"On your own?" I questioned, "Why?"

"My father thinks I'm a failure. Shoto," his voice was bitter, "gets all the attention. He has the perfect quirk."

"I think your quirk is amazing."

"Right?!" he stood up and beamed, "who cares that it burns me? I knew you would get it, Ice princess."

"Wait," I frowned and looked up at him, "What?" I glanced at the burns on his body, "That's from your quirk?"

"Yeah? So what?"

"I thought your father did that to you!"

"No," he shook his head, "why would he when he doesn't even have time to look at me?"

"Wait," I stood up, "you're hurting yourself by using your quirk."

"I just said that," he said slowly.

"Well then," I shook my head, "don't!"

He groaned and rolled his eyes, "You were supposed to understand. I thought," he shook his head and turned around, "See ya, (Y/N)."

"W-wait! Wait! I understand! I get it," I called after him.

He just waved one hand in the air and kept walking.

Moments like these didn't happen often. But when they did, he was almost unbearable. Angry. Bitter.

And even I couldn't do anything to stop it.

Touya continued his speech, but his words were drowned out. I couldn't hear anything. Instead, I watched as Katsuki stared at me, disbelief still in his eyes. As Todoroki's eyes drifted from his brother to me, the sting of a fresh betrayal still plastered on his face. Endeavor looked as though he had seen a ghost, and well, I guess in a way, he did.

What was I going to say to Fuyumi? Natsu?

At this very moment, there was nothing left for me. I had betrayed Touya already, I couldn't crawl back to him now. As for my family? How could they forgive me after this?

Before I had time to flip through my very limited options in my mind, I felt Touya grab my shoulders, move me behind him, and I watched him jump towards his father and brother, fully aflame.

What the fuck is going on?

I have to do something. There has to be something for me to do.

I should stop Touya. I can't let him hurt Todoroki. He's only a kid. It isn't his fault that his father favored him. From what I know, he didn't even like his father that much.

Right. That's what you do, (Y/N). Stop Touya. I don't care how much energy you lost, push yourself to your max, and save everyone, no matter the cost.

You are a hero. You have always been a hero.

And yet, as Touya advanced on his family members, I was frozen. I didn't move an inch, I didn't lift a finger, I was completely, and totally, out of it.

Seconds felt like hours, and it was as though I was frozen in time. Unable to do anything, Unable to move, to do what is unequivocally right.

Because the fact of the matter is, the man I love, the man I have loved for years... isn't right. I couldn't fight alongside him. I couldn't hurt the people with who I had formed relationships, the people I love.

So stop him, (Y/N).

But I couldn't.

"Hey, Ice Princess!"

"Touya," I beamed.

"You're amazing."

My cheeks flushed, "Why?"

"Whaddya mean why? Why are you amazing?" he mused, looking away, "Do you want a list?" he looked at me again.

"What?! No!" I exclaimed, "I meant, why did you say it? Like, out of nowhere?"

"Oh," he thought for a moment, "Well, why not, Ice Princess? It's true, isn't it?"


"You don't think that you're amazing?"

I shook my head. Of course, I didn't.

He crouched down next to me and looked me straight in the eye, "Well, you're wrong, alright? You are amazing," he stood up and offered me his hand, "Come on Ice Princess, let's go find a mirror."

"A mirror?" I questioned as I took his hand and followed him as he walked away.

"Yeah," he looked back at me and grinned, his hand still holding mine, "So I can show you how amazing you are."

A familiar voice snapped me out of my daydream, "Apologies for being fashionably late!!"

I looked down at Dabi, just to realize he had been incapacitated by magical wires from the sky.

Magical wires from the sky?

Oh shit.

"Best Jeanist will now be returning to work, starting today."

(A/N): UH HEY! I know this chapter is small, but I had originally written it past the Best Jeanist part, and it just seemed off, like I was trying to put too much in one chapter, since the BNHA manga chapter ends with Best Jeanist's arrival , I wanted to end this chapter with that too. I will be updating very often until I get to the end of the manga from now on, so these long-ass breaks are a thing of the past with this story! I just needed to get back in the groove, and now I am. Also I think the chapter is kind of messy, in my defense, it's so hard to write manga chapters into my stories, it's easier to see how things happen when it's animated. Okay, anyway, the POINT IS







love you!


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