Not only am I useless, I'm seeing ghosts.

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   I held my arm which was bleeding, "What's up, Touya?"

   "What happened to you?" He looked at me in concern, "You know you can't lose that much blood. Not with your quirk."

 Spots appeared in my vision, "Sword to the arm. My fault for insisting they use real swords today."

   "How long have you been bleeding?"

   "I don't know," I thought for a moment, "I didn't want them to freak out, so I hid-" I tripped over my own feet and Touya lunged to catch me. I fell into his arms. 

 The world started to go black.

    "You're going to be the death of me, (Y/N)," was the last thing I heard before I passed out. 

Dabi didn't see me, yet. I mean, how could he? I was inside a police car, and the window were tinted. I watched as he talked to Mr. Compress and Shigaraki (although, I prefer Hands for Face guy). 

What do I do? Get out of the car? That would probably be the best idea, right? Yeah. I'm going to do that now. 


Unfortunately, I didn't move. 

(Y/N), you idiot, get out of the car. 

Dabi looked at the police car, still not noticing me. He held up his left hand and created a blue flame. 

Okay, (Y/N), now would be the best time to get out of the car. 

Dabi shot fire at the police car and the Sand Hero: Snatch opened the front door of his car to intercept it. 

Shigaraki lunged at Snatch, trying to use his quirk, but it didn't work out too well for him. Snatch could turn his body into sand. Shigaraki couldn't really put all five of his fingers on a grain of sand. They were a good match. 

   A police officer glanced at me, "Nereid, are you going to help Snatch?"

   "Yeah," I nodded, "Just give me a-"

I was cut off by the police car getting thrown into the air. The ambulance near us also swerved off course and fell on its side. 

I was thrown out of the police car and fell onto the ground several feet away. 

The impact of my fall scratched my shoulder, which had started to bleed. Damn, the one part of my body that isn't covered by my hero costume right now. It could be worse. At least it wasn't my face. I froze my shoulder (again). The arm of my hero costume, however, had blood on it. 

I glanced at Snatch who had saved the officer who was in the car with me. He glanced at me in concern and I waved him off. 

Prioritize people's lives. One of the first things we learn in Hero Courses. 

Dabi stood behind Snatch, both of his hands flaming. It was times like these where I wished I had a handbook that gave me the answers to everything. What do you do when the psycopath you've made out with a few times is the person you're supposed to be fighting right now? 

I got up and started walking towards them. I stood next to the League of Villains' van, to the side where it was hard to see me.  Dabi still hadn't turned around. He didn't know I was here. 

   "Recently," Snatch said, "Burnt corpses have been turning up one after another in various places."

   "Oh?" Dabi said, "Are people talking about me? That makes me happy."

I've seen those reports. I've had my suspicions. But here he was, admitting to it. Actually, he was owning it. 

   "Have you ever thought about the feelings of those they left behind?!" Snatch screamed, lunging at Dabi with his sand. 

Dabi x Reader: Azure FlamesWhere stories live. Discover now