I live! Whether or not that's a good or bad thing, I couldn't tell you.

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    "Hey idiot," I called.

Touya grinned, "Who are you calling idiot, idiot?"

    "You. Duh," I laughed, "You really are an idiot."

    "Shut up, Water Girl."

    "Ouch," I clutched my chest dramatically, "That hurt my feelings. Okay. But seriously."


I sighed, "I wish everyone at school was like you."

    "An idiot?"

    I laughed, "No. Like, I wish they were... I don't know. I wish they got me, you know?"

    Touya smiled, "Yeah, (Y/N). But hey," he laughed, "You'll always have me."

    I thought for a moment, "Unless you die."

I had stated my biggest fear. 

Touya laughed. 

    "Hey! Why are you laughing? I was being serious, you know," I crossed my arms. 

"Sorry, sorry! But, that's what you're worried about? Is this about your dad?" He stepped closer to me and embraced me, "I'm not going to die. I wouldn't leave you like that."


    "That goes without saying," he rested his head on top of mine, "But yes. I promise."

My father always told me, don't make promises you can't keep.


                 "Touya's dead."



Mom? Give me five more minutes.

    "(Y/N), wake up."

No mom, I'm tired. 

    "Water Bitch, I'll kill you if you don't get up."

    "Wow, Tsuki," I croaked, "That's real convincing," I opened my eyes and glanced at my surroundings. I was in my room at Katsuki's house. 

I felt arms wrap around me and cradle my head. 


She was shaking, and I felt one of her tears fall onto my head. She pulled away and looked at me, "(Y/N)," she sniffled, "I'm so glad you're okay. First, I get so many missed calls from your school, and I just assumed it was because you did something dumb like challenge one of the Pro Heroes to a fight like in your first year, but I couldn't call them back because the plane had no service. she paused, struggling to catch her breath, "And then the plane landed and Mitsuki called me and she told me, she told me that you were kidnapped! And now when Katsuki brings you to me, you're severely dehydrated, you had an open wound on your head, your body was all scratched up as if you were thrown around like a ragdoll. I thought, I thought-"

"Hey," I smiled, "You're rambling, mom. I feel great. Don't worry about it," I glanced at Katsuki who was looking away, "Hey, dumbass," I called, "What's wrong."

    Katsuki looked at me, "You wish something was wrong, Water Bitch!"

    "Oh my god," I laughed. 

    "What are you laughing at?!"

    "You were worried about me!"

    "I was not!"

Dabi x Reader: Azure FlamesWhere stories live. Discover now