You know I'm a teenager because of the angst

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Now that school has started, I'm back in my dorm, although I don't really... go to school. It's the same way people get excused for their work studies. For me, however, my "work-study" was every day.

My life hasn't gotten any easier now that school has started. If anything, it just got a whole lot harder. I had to leave early in the morning and make sure I wasn't being followed as I went to the Liberation Army. Hawks wasn't always there, but I was.

Not to mention the day in which I have to make a choice is quickly approaching and I'm still lost. I have no idea what I'm going to do.

What bothers me the most right now is Dabi. Or Touya, or whatever the hell I'm supposed to call him. It's been months since he told me who he is, yet still nothing. No explanation... nothing.

I sighed and continued walking through the woods, to get to where the Liberation Army members were. The headquarters were at the Mountain Lodge Resort, which I find hilarious. No one else does, though. By the time I got there, I was greeted by Twice.

     "Nereid! Is Hawks with you?"

     "For the last time, Twice," I shook my head, "Call me (Y/N)."

     "Okay, I will!" Twice smiled, "No, I won't."

I laughed, "Well, Hawks didn't come with me today. I'm sure he's out doing more important things," I yawned.

     "Are you tired?"

     "Hm? I guess," I frowned, "I haven't been getting much sleep, lately."


     I looked down, "A lot of stuff on my mind, I guess."

     Twice flashed me a thumbs up, "Don't worry about it, (Y/N)! We support you here."

     I looked up and smiled at Twice, "Thanks, Twice. I appreciate it."

     "Anytime," he grinned, "Or never."

I laughed and went to open the door to the Lodge, only to feel the door ram into someone.

     "Shit," I said, "So-" I stopped myself as I saw a familiar figure sitting on the floor rubbing his head, "Oh," I laughed, "Nevermind. What's up Dabi?"

     Dabi looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "Ouch, Dollface."

     "Don't stand so close to the door if you don't want to get hit," I shrugged and held out my hand, "Idiot."

Dabi rolled his eyes and took my hand, allowing me to hoist him off the floor.

     "So," Dabi dusted himself off, "Wanna go find an empty room?"

     "Empty room?" I thought for a moment, "Yeah, sure."

     "Come on," he wrapped his hand around my wrist, and lightly tugged on my shirt, prompting me to follow him. His hand was warm, although it always was. We walked together to an empty room, which he locked. He walked over to the couch and sat down, and I did the same.

     I yawned, "Did you want to talk about something?"

     "No," he smiled, "I just wanted to be with you," he frowned slightly, "Are you tired?"

     "Yeah," I yawned again, "I've been having trouble falling asleep."

He lightly pushed my head, signaling for me to lay down on his lap. I complied, lying down on his lap, putting my legs up on the couch. Almost immediately, Dabi locked his fingers in my hair, playing with the strands. I looked up at the ceiling, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see Dabi watching me.

Dabi x Reader: Azure FlamesWhere stories live. Discover now