I'm a licensed hero, so I'm in the clear

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I woke up to the sound of Todoroki, Deku, and Iida talking. 

Where even was I?

I got up, and looked around. Right. Hosu General hospital. My stomach and wrist were both wrapped, and there was a gallon of water next to my bed. I picked it up and downed the whole thing. 

   "Did you sleep okay?" Todoroki asked me. 

   "Hm?" I swallowed the water in my mouth and set down the empty jug, "Yeah. I'm good. I should be asking if you guys are okay, my injuries were probably the least emergent."

   "Oh, are you wounded kids awake?" Gran Torino and Pro-Hero Manual walked into the room. 

   I sighed, "For the last time, I'm legally an adult!" I exclaimed. 

   Gran Torino smiled, "At my age, you're all kids," he turned to Deku, "Kid, I've got a lot of complaints for you."

   "Oh! S-sorr-" Deku started to say. 

   "Before that, you've got a visitor," Gran Torino cut him off as a man with a dog face (literally) walked into the room, "Hosu's chief of police, Kenji Tsuragamae."

Everyone started to stand up. Except me, because I can't recognize social cues. 

   "Oh, you don't have to get up. Woof," The Chief said. 

I stifled a laugh when he said "woof".

   "You must be the U.A. Students who brought down the Hero Killer, right?" The Chief continued, "Regarding the Hero Killer we arrested, he had fairly serious injuries, with burns and broken bones, and is receiving treatment under strict guard, woof."

It's really hard to take dog man here seriously, but everyone else seemed invested.

"Since you are U.A. students,"  The Chief said, "I'm sure you already know that when superpowers were still becoming the norm, the police attached high importance to leadership and made sure Quirks were not used as weapons. And then, the profession of "hero" emerged to fill that gap, woof. For an individual's use of force and power that can easily kill others- actions that normally would be appropriate to denounce- to be accepted officially is thanks to early heroes who followed the ethics and rules of the profession, woof. Even up against the Hero Killer, for uncertified individuals to cause injury with their Quirks without specific instruction from their guardians or supervisors is a clear violation of the rules. The four of you, and the pro heroes Endeavor, Manual, and Gran Torino must receive strict punishment."

   "Yo," I said, "That's some Grade A Bullshit you're spewing."

   "Excuse me? Woof." The Chief of Police said to me. 

Before I could respond Todoroki got up, "If Iida hadn't done anything, Native would've been killed. If Midoriya hadn't come, the two of them would've been killed. No one realized that the hero killer had appeared. Are you saying we should've followed the rules and watched people get killed?"

   "Are you saying that as long as it turns out alright, it's okay to bend the rules?" The chief responded. 

   "Hey, hey, hey," I cut in, standing in front of Todoroki who looked like he was about to punch dog man in the face, "Calm down Todoroki. Let the man say what he has to say, and then I'll sit back down and you can do what you want," I smiled, my eyes sparkling. 

Dog man nodded, "That was the official opinion of the police. And the punishment would only happen if this were all made public, woof. If this were made public, you would be applauded by the public, but you wouldn't be able to escape punishment. On the other hand, if it is not made public, the burn scars would support Endeavor being the hero who saved the day, and it would end there. Woof."

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