I chaperone the children on a field trip

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It had been two days and Dabi still hasn't contacted me. He left early that morning, without a word.

Did I get too close? I shouldn't have said some stupid shit like "I care about you". God. I'm an idiot! Who tells the psychopath who stalks you that they care? I have issues. Major fucking issues.

I groaned and got out of bed. It was Wednesday and Aizawa Sensei had requested my presence in his class today. I didn't know why, nor did I care.

Katsuki and I went to school. Aizawa wanted me in his classroom at 12:50 (sharp). So, I let Katsuki do his thing and I went to my class. I was in class 3A with Tamaki and Nejire. Mirio was in class 3B.  When it was about 12:45-ish, I walked to Class 1A. Aizawa-Sensei's class. Also, Katsuki's class. It should be... interesting.

   "For the foundational skill of heroics we'll study today-" I heard Aizawa-Sensei through the door.

   I laughed and kicked the door to class 1A open with my foot, "I'm here! Miss me?"

   Aizawa Sensei glanced at me, "(L/N). I'm pleased that you've joined us."

   "Lighten up-" I started to say.

   "What is she doing here?" I heard Katsuki's voice.

   "Katsuki! Aren't you excited to see me?"

   "Shut it, dumbass."

   "Watch your tone, I know your mom."

   "Whatever. Fine."

   "Did Bakugo just... listen to her?" a girl with brown hair said.

Aizawa Sensei rolled his eyes, "Anyway. Like I was saying, it was decided that, for today's foundational skill of heroics, you'll be supervised by a four-man team. Three Pro-heroes, comprising me, All Might, and someone else and one upperclassman. This is, (L/N) (Y/N)," Aizawa-Sensei gestured to me.

I smiled and waved at the class.

   "Sensei! What will we be doing?!" A boy shot his hand up and yelled out.

   Aizawa-Sensei sighed, "Be the hero everyone needs, whether it's a flood or any other disaster. It's the trial of rescue!"

Trial of Rescue? Fun. But, I guess I'm supervising... not participating. Still. Fun. Plus, All Might's going to be there. That's even cooler.

There was a variety of responses from the class:

   "Trial of Rescue...sounds a bit difficult this time around."


I didn't catch the rest of the comments.

Aizawa Sensei cut in, "Don't get ahead of yourselves. As I was saying, this time, it's entirely up to each of you whether or not you wear your costume. Some of your costumes aren't adapted to the task at hand, after all."

Should I change into my costume? Probably, right? I wish Aizawa-Sensei would have given me more of a heads-up.

   "The training area is fairly far away, so we'll get there by bus. That's all. Go get prepared."

The class ran to get their costumes.

   I glanced at Aizawa-Sensei, "How's Katsuki? In class, I mean. He's like a little brother to me, no matter how annoying I find him."

   "Bakugo is talented, without a doubt, but he rushes into things like a 7-year-old."


Dabi x Reader: Azure FlamesWhere stories live. Discover now