Simply the Past

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As I closed my eyes and ran in the opposite direction, unsure of where I was going to go, I felt something slip out of a compartment in my hero costume, shattering upon contact with the floor. My mind told me to ignore it, but my body stopped and I almost unconsciously angled my head towards the floor, to see what had just broken.

As I kneeled down to inspect the glass shards, I heard only the sounds of my breathing and my heart beating. Each beat echoed in my mind, taunting me. With each beat of my heart, I felt my sanity start to slowly unravel. And that's when recognition flooded over me.

            "You know," I leaned forward in my chair and grinned at Touya, "The water on this planet is over four billion years old."

            Touya raised an eyebrow, "No kidding?"

            "Seriously!" I laughed, "Makes you wonder what events the water has witnessed."

          Touya sighed dramatically, "If only water could talk. Then, all the worlds mysterious would be solved," he theatrically fell onto my bed, closing his eyes and angling his head away from me in fake disdain.

            I rolled my eyes, "You don't have to be mean about it."

            Touya sat up on my bed and flashed me a dorky grin, "Come on, Ice Princess. It's just a joke."

            "Whatever," I crossed my arms and looked away, "And to think, I was going to show you."

          Clearly, that comment piqued his interest.

            "Show me what?"

            "No," I shook my head, "I wouldn't want you to laugh at me."

            "Oh come on, Water Girl," Touya got off the bed and walked over to the chair I was sitting on, "Show me."

          It took all of my willpower to not burst into laughter, "Sorry," I shrugged, "You missed your chance."

              "What?!" Touya exclaimed, "You can't do this to me, come on."

          I closed my mouth and looked at Touya, shaking my head.

            Touya reached out and held onto my shoulders, "(Y/N), please," his turquoise eyes shined in curiosity.

            My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat, "Fine," I managed to choke out.

            Touya pulled away from me and punched the air in excitement, "Yes!"

            I rolled my eyes, "Calm down. It's not that cool, keep your expectations low."

            "Anything you show me is already cool in my book."

            "Whatever," I grumbled.

            "What are you waiting for?" Touya said, sitting down on the floor, "Show me."

            "Okay," I got up and picked a glass of water off my table, before sitting down on the ground next to him, "This is water."

          "Oh?" He raised an eyebrow, "I had absolutely no idea."

            "Haha," I rolled my eyes, "You're so funny."

            "Well," Touya prompted, "Are you going to get to the point?"

            "Okay! Okay!" I said, holding up the glass of water, "This is my water. I generated it myself before you got here."


            "I thought that with my quirk, I might be able to track the history of water, and see all these cool things but," I shook my head, "Nothing. No matter how much I focused, I couldn't see anything. But," I set down the cup and manipulated just the water into a sphere above us, "My water has no history. It defies the fundamental laws of the universe. And so," I flicked my hand and in the water was a projection of the events that had just happened, "I can see what my water sees if I have access to it."

            Touya looked at the water in awe, "That's me," he pointed to the projection of himself pumping his fist in the air a few minutes ago. He turned to me, "Shit, Ice Princess. That's amazing!"

            I stopped the projection and manipulated the water back into the cup, "You think?"


            I smiled, "Okay so," I got up and walked over to my desk and pulled out a small glass bottle on a chain. I opened the cork of the bottle and brought my finger to it, letting water spill into the bottle. I held it up and grinned, "Would you wear this?"

         Touya looked at me and blinked.

            I felt my face turn red and I stuffed the necklace in my pocket, and looked down, "No! Nevermind, that's so stupid!" I threw my hands in the air, "Forget I said anything. I just thought this way our mem-"

            Touya grabbed my hands, and looked me in the eye, "Give me the necklace."

             "What? But-"

            "Come on, Ice Princess," he smiled and fished the necklace out of my pocket, "Why would I ever say no to this?" He put the necklace around his neck and turned around, "Hey, Princess. Help me clasp this."

            I tried to keep myself from smiling, "Yeah."

I stared in utter horror at the glass shards on the floor. I knew exactly what that was. When did he put that in my pocket?

He had it this whole time?

All these years... and he kept it? He never mentioned it, I thought that he would have lost it by now. But no. There, in a pool of water, was a gold chain, and the shards of the bottle I had given him all those years ago.

I sat down on the floor, ignoring all of the chaos around me and concentrated on the water, bringing, manipulating it into a sphere in front of me.

Which memory...?

I concentrated and let the water show me whatever it thought was necessary. And through the projection, I saw Touya and I conversing. He looked angry.

            "What is your issue, (Y/N)?!"

            "What? I didn't do anything"

            "Why would you?!" he groaned in frustration and banged his head against the wall.

            "Touya!" I stepped forward, "Stop!"

            He turned around and glared at me, "Why would you throw away everything, for me?!"

            "I didn't"

            "You got an opportunity to move to the United States at this age. The birthplace of heroes! They were going to let you skip the rest of middle school, and study as a hero. You would have become the youngest Pro Hero in existence. That's what you want! Why would you"

            "I would have to leave you."

            Touya froze and looked at me, "But—?"

            "I would never," I clenched my jaw, "How could you even insinuate that I would ever choose anything over you?! The states don't mean shit."

            "But even All Might"

            "No," I glared at him, "I would never leave you. I will always choose you."

The scene changed, and I saw Dabi slipping the necklace into my hero costume right before I ran off.

Through the water, I heard his chilling voice.

            "I thought you would choose me."

Dabi x Reader: Azure FlamesWhere stories live. Discover now