Chicken Wings vs Nereid, who wins? Hint: It's the one that's not a cannibal.

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Hawks and I stood in the middle of the woods. I had my new hero costume on. Something my mother had failed to mention was that the material of the costume was impossible to slice through. This was good because I probably wasn't going to get cut (unless they aimed for the face or hands) but it made it a pain to put on, and it was kind of uncomfortable.

   "So," I said, "When are we going to-"

Hawks launched his feathers at me. I put up a wall of ice, and the feathers got lodged into them. 

   "..."Start" is what I was going to say," I grumbled.

   "You think a Villain is going to wait for your cue?" Hawks controlled his feathers, taking them out of the ice wall. 

   "Well," I blasted water at him, "No, but I thought you were going too."

Hawks flew up, avoiding my water.  

He's fast. He flew up and started attacking from the air. I intercepted Hawks' feathers with ice daggers, pinning them to trees, not allowing him to manipulate them anymore. I created a whirlpool of water, lifting me off the ground, allowing me to meet his height. 

    He nodded, "Good."

I grinned and created a sphere of water, encasing him in it and hardening it into ice. The sphere shook for a second, and Hawks stretched his wings, breaking out. 

   He coughed, "Are you trying to kill me?" He launched more feathers at me. One sliced my face, drawing blood. I had water come out of that area of my face and I froze it, not allowing myself to lose any blood. 

    "That would be a plus, Chicken Wings."


After who knows how long of fighting, Hawks and I were both out of breath. Due to the hero costume, I had lost no blood. I had, however, used up three water packages. Hawks had one feather left. 

He held it up like a sword, "Come on, no one's won yet," he said, breathing heavily.

I struggled to catch my breath, "You... you can't possibly think we're not finished... Why can't it be a tie?"

Hawks lunged for me, slashing the feather like a sword. I ducked and created an ice sword. I got up and swung it at him, which he intercepted with his feather-sword. 

Unfortunately for Hawks, sword fighting is where I had him beat. I'd been in lessons for as long as I can remember. 

       "(Y/N), you said you'd meet me at 7... it's 9!"

   I laughed, "Sorry, I was taking my swordsmanship lessons," I set down my gym bag and placed my sword ontop of it. 

    Touya looked at the sword and raised an eyebrow, "Aren't you a little young for that?"

       "No, no, you're never too young to be amazing."

       Touya laughed, "So, could you beat my ass, Ice Princess?"

        I grabbed the hilt of the sword and put the tip of it under his chin, "Most definitely."

        He laughed, "Alright, but put the sword down, you're going to kill me."

   "Hey! Keep your head in the game!" Hawks yelled, nearly knocking my sword out of my hand. 

   "Sorry! I got distracted," I lunged forward and jabbed at his chest. At the last minute, Hawks moved to the side, and I stabbed the air. His moving to the side, however, gave me an opening, as his whole stomach was unprotected. I used the opportunity to twist my sword, stabbing him straight in the stomach. 

Hawks coughed up blood and dropped his feather-sword, "Ow! What the hell?!" he kneeled to the ground, putting a hand on his stomach.

   "Sorry," I knelt next to him, "That's my bad. But," I paused to breathe, "I win!"

   "...And I need a hospital."

"Don't be a baby," I brought my hand to my leg and pressed a button. I felt a pinch in my leg, then a compartment in my suit opened, revealing a small capsule filled with blue liquid. I took a sip and felt the energy return to my body. Then I handed the rest to him, "Drink this."

The liquid was blue, as it extracted just the healing substance from my blood. My actual blood and the water content in it was left untouched and stayed in my body. 

Hawks took it and drank it. Within seconds, his wound closed, and he was healed. 

   Hawks laughed, "You kept this a secret for years when you could have healed me every time I got hurt? Thanks a lot, kid."

I laughed and got up, holding out my hand, "Come on, Chicken Wings, I'll buy you chicken."

   "No," he grabbed my hand and got up, "It's on me. You won."

   "You were holding back though, right?"

   "Not even a little. I told one of your U.A. teachers that you were at my level. I wasn't joking."

   "I mean... I beat you... so..."

   "Hey! There are a lot of trees here! Limits my range of movement!"

   I laughed, "I know! I know!"

Hawks and I went back to his Hero Office, got cleaned up, and Hawks ordered us chicken. We sat down at his desk and ate. 

   "What were you thinking about?"

   "Hm?" I swallowed a bite of chicken, "What do you mean?"

   "When we were fighting, you stopped for a second, and started thinking."


   "Ah," I laughed, "Nothing, nothing at all."

   "Are you sure you weren't having some really deep thoughts about someone who you lost in your life?"

   "What? Why would you say that?"

   Hawks laughed, "You know me, I can't help but say what's on my mind."

   "Right," I laughed.


   "Well, what?"

   "Was I right?"

   "Of course not, Chicken Wings. I was just tired. Anyway," I got up, "I should go. It's getting late. Thanks for dinner."

   "Hm, okay," Hawks stood up and stretched, "Well, now that I have evaluated your skills, which, by the way, are amazing, I am comfortable with having you aid in this mission thing. I cannot attend myself, so you're in. Uh, I think your friends and a few of the first years are involved."

   "What mission thing?"

   "I don't know, I didn't ask. It involves uh," he thought for a moment, "Gran Torino, Eraser Head, Ryuku, Fat Gum, Night Eye, Rock Lock, uh-"

   "Okay, okay, I get it! Lots of heroes."

   "Yeah," he smiled, "And I'm trusting you to do me well."


   "I'll text you the address. You're supposed to meet at someplace tomorrow. Catch a train with your friends."

   "Alrighty," I grinned, "I got ya."

   "Well, have a nice walk back to your dorm. I'd offer to fly you but," he pointed to his featherless back, "You made that impossible. This will take two days to grow back."

   I turned around, "Don't get too salty, Chicken Wings." 

Tomorrow should be interesting. 

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