I'm going to murder Barbeque.

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I ducked under a bush, where I came face to face with a student from class 1-A. Naval laser dude. Aoyama. He looked alarmed when he saw me. Two of his friends were with him. Jiro and Hagakure. They were knocked out. 

I put a finger to my lips.

Dabi was walking with another villain. The villain waved his hands around like an idiot, "Mr.Compress already succeeded! Took him long enough. I was getting sleepy."

Succeeded? That means...


   "Don't say that," Dabi replied, "He did a good job. Now, we just have to wait for everyone to get back here."

   The other villain leaned forward, "That's not right!" He fixed his posture, "You're right."

Well, that man is crazy.

   "This place was supposed to be hard to find because of the walls of flame and gas, but the gas was cleared away. Things never go according to plan, huh?"

   "Aoyama," I whispered, "Go. Run. Take your friends, and be quiet. If they hear, I'll cover for you."

He nodded and grabbed his friends, creeping away. 

I steadied my breathing. What do I do in this situation? 

Apparently, the answer was something stupid. 

I shot an ice dagger, hitting the villain next to Dabi in the neck. He should be knocked out for at least 2 minutes. 

   "Huh?" Dabi said. 

I encased my hand in water and walked out of my hiding spot. My eyes met Dabi's. His eyes widened and he looked at me in shock.

   "Come on, Dabi," I said, holding up my dominant hand and having water circle above my palm, "I thought you'd be able to recognize one of my ice daggers."

   "Why are you here," Dabi asked me, "You're not a first year. Damn it!" He slammed his hand into a tree next to him, "Why are you here?!"

   "Why am I here?" I yelled, "Idiot! Why are you here?"

   "You need to go."

   I stood back in a fighting position, "I'm not going anywhere."

   "Huh?" I heard a high pitched voice, "No one else is here yet?"

Dabi and I both turned our attention to a petite girl with two messy blonde buns on the top of her head. 

The Villain who was with Dabi started to regain consciousness. He got up, rubbing his neck. 

Shit. Dabi, I could deal with. All of these people?

   The girl started walking towards me, "Who's this? She's pretty. Can I have your blood?"

   I encased my self in ice, "I'll pass."

   "Get away from her, lunatic," Dabi growled at the girl.

What was his issue?

   "Why are you so angry?" The girl asked Dabi. 

Before anyone can answer something smashed into the ground in a cloud of dust. I turned my head to see a few of the students from class 1-A. I could see Deku, Todoroki, and Shoji. They seemed to have slammed a villain into the ground. 

I melted the ice around me. 

   "Hey, hey, hey, hey," The Villain I had previously knocked out said, "I know these kids! Who are they?" He had a mask that completely hid his face.

Dabi x Reader: Azure FlamesWhere stories live. Discover now