The Past and The Future are both haunting me

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           "Hey, Touya," I poked at the boy who seemed to be passed out on my bed, "Psst! Touya!"

          Touya groaned and pulled my blanket over his head, "Shh, Ice Princess, I'm tired."

          I crossed my arms, "You suck."

          I heard him laugh from under the covers, "Thanks," I felt him shift and then get up, his face barely illuminated in the dark. His eyes stared into mine and his brows creased, "I'm sorry, (Y/N)."

          "What? Why?"

          He sighed and the frown shadowing his face morphed into a soft smile, "Get some sleep, Ice Princess," he put his hand on my head, "I'll probably leave before you wake up tomorrow."

          "Okay..." I frowned slightly but fell back onto my bed anyway.

          "I love you."

That was the last conversation I had with Touya before his "death".

I stared up at the ceiling in my dorm.

It had been weeks since my fight with Dabi, and since then things between us have been... awkward to say the least. That being said, the day where everything was going to change, no matter what I chose, was approaching at a speed I wasn't ready for. As in, tomorrow was the day all the heroes would disappear, tomorrow was the day I either exposed myself as a spy or joined the Paranormal Liberation Army.

Often times, I find myself grasping, longing, for some kind of love. Some kind of validation. I've always latched onto at least one person. The thing about me is I don't want to leave anyone. Not Dabi, not Hawks, Katsuki, Fuyumi, Natsu, Tamaki, Nejire, Mirio... I don't want to leave anyone. I don't want to lose the love I was given. No matter what I choose, someone will end up hating me.

But then I wonder, does anyone even love me anyway? The only person who I've known has loved me from the start is Touya. He had always put me first. The only person who ever prioritized me. Do the rest of them care for me the way I care for them? I would die for Katsuki. In my mind, I know he wouldn't do the same. Hawks had to think about whether or not he would kill me. The answer may have been no, but the amount of time it took him to figure it out was... concerning.

And then came the Hero Association.

The more I looked into it, the more I thought about it, the more I despised the current system. My father lived his life jumping from job to job because his quirk wasn't good enough to be a hero. He never got to train his quirk to its fullest potential, and for that he was defenseless, and he was killed. If your quirk wasn't good enough, you simply stood at the bottom. Heroes in and of themselves are corrupt. If a man like Endeavor is the Number One Hero... what does that say about everyone? If Hawks, the number two hero, is willing to kill to get the job done... what does that say about everyone?

In my soul, I knew that if Dabi, Hawks, Katsuki, if everyone I cared for didn't exist, I would join the League on my own. Or become a vigilante or something.

Tomorrow was the day.

I groaned and heaved myself off my bed, leaving my dorm and walking to the Class 1-A dorms. After all, my little brother was there, wasn't he? I stuck my hands in my pockets, and closed my eyes, throwing my head back and smelling the air. It had been raining, so the air smelt fresh. I opened my eyes and looked around at the grass, seeing the small dewdrops shining under the beating sun. I smiled softly and lifted a finger, manipulating the water on the grass, letting it fly through the air in the shape of a mini pegasus. I've been working on the different shapes I could make with my water.

           "Hey, Nee-chan!"

           I turned my head to see Katsuki running towards me, holding a huge stuffed pegasus in his hands, "What's up, Tsuki-Tsuki?"

            "I won this for you," he held out the Pegasus once he reached me and grinned, "I always win."

            I kneeled down to his height and smiled, "Of course you do," I took the pegasus from him, "I love it."

           "Well, you're going to have to pay me back or something one day," he turned around and started running away, "You don't want to be in debt do you?"

           I laughed, "Don't worry, Tsuki," I called after him, "I will!"

The water-pegasus soared through the air until I finally shrank it down and hardened it into ice. Then I coated it with permafrost and held it in my hands. After a minute or two, I walked into the Class 1-A dorms. Immediately, I was greeted my Deku and Todoroki who happened to be walking by the front door.

           "Senpai!" Deku called, "I didn't expect to see you here."

           Todoroki nodded, "You haven't been around at all lately," he creased his brows, "I haven't seen you since you slept in Fuyumi's room. That was a few months ago, right?"

           I laughed, "I'm basically a Pro-Hero, you know. I have things to do, people to help," I yawned, "I'll be around more often," I smiled, "I'll see you guys again soon."

Deku and Todoroki smiled at me and muttered a quick "see you later," before I walked away to go look for Katsuki.

Eventually, I found him, sitting alone on a couch.

           I sat down next to him, "Hey, Tsuki-Tsuki."

            Katsuki whipped his head towards me and I saw the smallest hint of a smile before he glared at me, "Water Bitch! Where have you been?! And don't call me that."

            "I've been here and there, Tsuki," I yawned, "No rest for someone as talented as me."

           "Whatever," he grumbled, "You should call my mom. She misses you."

           "Mitsuki-San?" I thought for a minute, "Yeah, sure. Oh!" I held out the pegasus I was holding in my hand, "Here," I smiled.

           Katsuki looked at it and then at me, and then back at it, and then back at me. He did that a few times before glaring at me again, "Why would I want that?"

           "You don't remember? I lost the stuffed one you got for me," I frowned, "But, it's time for me to pay you back, no?"

           "I don't need-"

           "Come on, Tsuki. Let me give you this. As your big sister."

           Katsuki seemed to be contemplating something, but he took the pegasus from me anyway, muttering a quick, "Thanks."

           I listened to him ramble about how he's getting stronger, and eventually, an hour passed. I sighed and looked at Katsuki, "I'm sorry."

           Katsuki froze and turned his head towards me, clearly confused, "Sorry? For what?"

           "I'm not sure yet," I stood up, "Goodbye, Katsuki."

           Katsuki glared at me and stood up himself, "Don't say it like that, dumbass!"

           I laughed, "Like what?"

           "Like you're leaving for good."

           I frowned before shooting Katsuki a soft smile, "Bye, Tsuki."

           Katsuki rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Bye, (Y/N)."

Less than 24 hours.  

(A/N): Did I write this during AP Calc? Yes. Is there Dabi in this chapter? No. Will he be in the next chapter? Yes. 

Did I have something more important to say? Yes. 

Do I remember what it was? No.

Have a nice day!

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