I eat ice cream with the crazy man in my house

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I couldn't bring myself to sleep. There is a crazy man in my guest room. Things like that keep you up at night.

What if I called Hawks now? Hawks could probably take this guy. And, I would help. Certainly, Dabi wouldn't be able to defend himself against both of us. Right?

I wasn't going to do it. I know I wasn't going to do it. For some sick and twisted reason, I didn't want to turn him in.

I adjusted my pillow for the thousandth time that night, but I could not fall asleep. I felt general discomfort, no matter how I positioned myself.

I groaned.

I got up and blindly felt around my wall for the light switch. Once I found it, I turned on the lights and grabbed my phone. I checked the time. It was 1:00 AM. Not that bad. Maybe a quick post-midnight snack was in order. I unlocked my door (yes I slept with the door locked. I mentioned that there was a crazy man in my house, right?) and crept down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen and felt a scorching hand on my shoulder.

I started to scream, only to have the hand wrap around my mouth.

"Shh! It's just me!" I recognized Dabi's voice.

"mMmm!" I yelled through his hand.

"Oh right," he let go of me.

I turned around and we were face to face, our faces barely illuminated in the darkness of my kitchen.

"Why aren't you asleep?" I asked him.

"I couldn't sleep."

"That makes two of us," I thought for a moment, "Do you want to indulge in some late-night snacking adventures?" I asked playfully.

He blinked, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Calm down, Barbeque. If you don't want to eat you don't have too. You're so tense."

I moved my hands to his shoulders which contracted on touch.

He jumped away, "Don't touch me."

His eyes were clouded with anger. At least, I thought it was anger.

I looked away, "Sorry."

Why did I touch him?

Shouldn't I be more scared? Why was I acting so familiar with him? I've only known him for what? Two days? And in the span of these two days, he broke into my house and threatened everyone I care about.

There is something seriously wrong with me.

I clapped my hands, "Well. I'm going to go eat some ice cream. You're welcome to join, or you can go back to the guest room. Your choice."

I turned around and switched on the light. I flinched slightly at the sudden burst of light, but my eyes slowly adjusted to it. I walked over to my freezer and took out a tub of ice cream. I grabbed a spoon and sat down, starting to eat the ice cream straight from the tub.

Dabi looked at me, "You're not going to put it in a bowl?"

"I live alone. What's the point of that?"

"How do you," he ran his fingers through his hair, "Whatever. I don't care."

"I'm sure," I held up a spoon, "Are you going to join me, or are you going to be a little bitch?"

"You're so annoying," he spat.

"Thanks," I stuffed more ice cream in my mouth.

He seemed to be debating something before sighing and sitting down next to me.

I swallowed a chunk of ice cream, "Do you want some?"

He scoffed, "No."

"Then why'd you sit down?"

"I was bored."

"Come on," I waved a spoon of ice cream, "Try some."



"Absolutely not."

"Please?" I brought the spoon close to his face. The ice cream started to melt.


"Was that a yes?"

"It was n-"

I cut him off, stuffing the spoon in his mouth. His eyes widened and he glared at me. I gave him a look as if to say 'Hey buddy, you can't say no now'.

He rolled his eyes and complied, swallowing the ice cream I had forced in his mouth. I pulled the spoon out of his mouth and he started coughing. I probably should have been a bit more gentle.

"You're so-"

"Was it good?" I asked him, cutting him off.


"Don't lie to me, Barbeque. You know you loved it."

"I don't understand you," he shook his head.

"I don't understand you," I countered.

He smirked, "You're going to hurt yourself trying to understand me, Dollface. I wouldn't recommend it."

"Hm, no. I'll figure you out."

"Not if I kill you first. Don't get too comfortable, Dollface."

I yawned, "You wouldn't kill me, Barbeque. If you wanted to, you would have."

"You don't know me."

I felt a wave of sleepiness seep over me. I wasn't thinking straight.

"I know that you're not as tough as you put yourself out to be. I may not understand you, but I can recognize an expression of loneliness and hurt," I leaned forward, bringing my face close to his, "Who hurt you, Dabi?"

"Shut up," he said through gritted teeth.

"Hm? I guess I hit a nerve there. Don't worry," I leaned back into my chair, "I'll figure you out."

Dabi didn't reply.

My eyelids felt heavy, and I closed them. I wasn't asleep just yet, though.


I didn't make a sound.

I heard Dabi sigh, "You fell asleep pretty quickly, huh?"

I felt his hands wrap around my body, lifting me off the chair.

"You don't want to know me, (Y/N). I'm not the same guy you used to know. I'm sorry."

Like I used to know? What was that supposed to mean?

Dabi's arms felt warm. I couldn't concentrate. I felt myself slipping away. I felt myself being set down on my bed. I thought I felt something warm on my forehead before I completely drifted off.

He called me (Y/N) this time.

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