Criminal organization heads are actually insane child abusers.

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Nejire, Tamaki, Mirio, and I all rode the train to our location. 

We stood outside the door, "Hey, Lemonhead, how's Deku? He's doing his work-study with Sir Nighteye too, right?"

   Mirio laughed, "Yes, he's doing great."

Before I could reply, I heard footsteps. I glanced to the side and saw Class 1-A students Deku, Kirishima, Uraraka, and Tsu. They looked at us, with their mouths open. 

   "Close your mouths kids," I said, "You're going to catch flies," I stretched, "Let's head in."

We all walked into the meeting room, to be greeted with a shit ton of heroes. 

Nejire ran to Dragoon Hero: Ryuko to ask her what was going on. After some time, Ryuko turned to Nighteye, who was standing at the head of the room, "Nighteye, let's get started."

   "Thanks to the information that was received from you all, the investigation has moved forward substantially. We will now have a conference to share what information we have acquired regarding what the small organization, Shie Hassaikai, is planning."


We all sat down at a large table, with Nighteye at the head. Bubble Girl, a sidekick for Nighteye, was standing and reading something off her tablet. 

   "Well then, let us begin," she clenched her fist, "Those of us from NIghteye Agency have been conducting an independent investigation into the designated villain group known as the Shie Hassaikai for about two weeks."

She continued going on, getting aid from another sidekick, Centipeder. I yawned and leaned back into my chair. 

Rock Lock looked pissed, "Even if they're from U.A., why are there kids here? We'll never get anywhere with them-" an ice dagger whizzed past his ear, lodging itself on the wall behind them. Everyone turned to look at me with their eyes widened. 

   "I'm legally an adult," I said twirling another ice dagger in my hand, "Besides, no one asked for your opinion."

   Rock Lock sized me up, "Nereid, I presume? I've heard good things about you."

   "That's cool," I manipulated the ice dagger in my hand to change phases, turning it into water vapor which dispersed itself. 

Fat Gum got up and pointed to Kirishima and Tamaki, "These two have super important information!"

As all eyes went on Tamaki and Kirishima, Tamaki put his head down. 

I giggled.

   Fat Gum smiled, "Anyway, I think I'm meetin' a lot of you for the first time, so I'm Fat Gum! Nice to meet you!"

They went on to talk about how there was a drug that took your quirk away, temporarily, which Tamaki was hit by in the form of a bullet. He was fine now, even showing us his cow hoof (guess he had a beef bowl for breakfast). 

   "Hey," I leaned back in my chair and put my feet up on the table, receiving a few glares from the Pro Heroes. I ignored them and continued to talk, "That's terrible and all, but what do these bullets and shit have to do with Hassaikai. You've pointed out no direct correlation. Honestly," I looked Nighteye straight in the eye, "It sounds like your forcing it." 

Nighteye nodded and the picture on the screen changed to a young man with a beak-like mask on his face. The picture caused visible responses in both Mirio and Deku. I turned my head towards them and raised an eyebrow.

   "The young head of Hassaikai, Chisaki, has a quirk called Overhaul," Nighteye said, "His power lets him disassemble and restore things. Chisaki has a daughter named Eri. There are no records or details about her birth," Nighteye turned to Mirio and Deku, "but when Mirio and Midoriya encountered her, she had a large number of bandages wrapped around her arms and legs."

No way. 

That motherfucker was using his own daughter's body and turning it into bullets. That sick bastard.

The students from Class 1-A looked confused. Kirishima spoke out, "What? What are you talking about?"

   I sat up in my seat, taking my legs off the desk. My expression was grim, "It isn't obvious to you? We think this sick bastard is using his daughter's body as a means to make bullets and then selling them."

"N-No way," Kirishima, Uraraka, and Tsu said at the same time. 


After the meeting was over, I took the train myself. Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire stayed behind to talk to the first years, and such, but I didn't want to be there. They would contact me once they found Chie Hassaikai's location, and we would save Eri.

He would really do that to his own daughter?

I shook the thought away and continued walked the same bitter path. 

     "Hey Touya, do you love anyone?"

     "Huh? Sure. I love you."


     "What do you mean, what? You're my best friend, how could I not love you, kid? Besides," he smiled, "I already told you. When we're adults, we're getting married."

     "Right. Yeah."

     "Cheer up, Ice Princess! Why do you look so down?" Touya flashed me a smile. 

     I laughed, "I'm not!"

     "If I ran away," Touya mused, "Would you join me?"


     His eyes pleaded with me, "Join me."

    "If you run away? Yeah, of course. I'd follow you anywhere."

   Touya smiled.

A hand snaked around my waist and dragged me into a dark alleyway, causing me to drop my school bag. I sighed, "I know it's you, Barbeque. This shit doesn't freak me out anymore."

Dabi laughed and turned me around to face him, his hand still on my waist, "You've been leaving U.A. a lot recently. Are you trying to see me more, Dollface?"

   "You wish. I have a lot of hero-"

Dabi gritted his teeth at the word. 

   "-shit to do." 

   He scoffed, "Whatever."


   "You know that heroes suck, so what's your deal with doing 'hero shit' when you can join me," his eyes pleaded with me, "Join me."

My eyes widened. 

     His eyes pleaded with me, "Join me."

It can't be. That's impossible

   I looked at Dabi with disbelief, "What did you just say?"

   Dabi tilted his head to the side, "What? What I've been saying? Join me?"

Of course. I'm reading too much into things.

   "Right," I let out a breath, "That's a pretty normal thing to say. It's just a coincidence."

   "What's just a coincidence?"


Dabi raised an eyebrow and leaned down, "Come on Dollface. Why won't you join me?"

   "I won't join you," I repeated what Dabi said.

   "I got that, but-"


Dabi x Reader: Azure FlamesWhere stories live. Discover now