I agree to help a psychopath stalker

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"Hm?" I prompted, pressing the icicle harder into his neck, but still not hard enough to pierce his skin.

"Cute," he swept his legs under mine causing me to trip and fall on my ass. He stepped back and shut the front door.

I got up and glared at him, "You're a fucking stalker! Get out of my house!"

"Here's the thing, (Y/N) (L/N), I need your help."

"I have half a mind to call the authorities. Or just kill you myself," I spat.

"You won't."

"What makes you so sure?" I stepped back and blasted small ice daggers at him. They were small but deadly. They were sharp and if it pierced you at just the right spot, you could be incapacitated for hours. I aimed for his main pressure points but he sent up a wall of blue flame, melting my ice before it reached him.

I put out his fire, and I raised my hand to attack again.

He grabbed my wrist and held it in the air. His hand was hot. It felt like it was burning me. I didn't get warm easily, as my body temperature was always colder than normal. But I felt undeniable, scorching heat when he touched me like that. He brought his face close to mine, "If you try something like that again... I'll kill your mother. She's in the states, right?"

"What?" My eyes widened, "How did you..."

"I know a lot of things, dollface. Get used to it."

There he goes again with the nicknames.

"I doubt you could kill anyone, let alone a woman in the states," I tore my hand away from him and put up a wall of ice, separating us.

He looked at me through the ice and cocked his head. Then he placed a hand on the ice wall. Blue flames left his hand and completely decimated the wall.

"You have some nerve," I said, "You're going to come into my house, threaten my mother, and then ask me for help? Unbelievable."

"Would you help me if I wasn't blackmailing you?"

That was a good point. Doesn't make it right though.

"Do what you want with my mother, I don't care," I lied.

He looked slightly surprised, "I thought you were a hero. Someone's life is that insignificant to you?"


"Fine, if you don't help me," his left hand lit on fire, "I'll burn this house and every house in this neighborhood down to a crisp. And then maybe I'll pay your friends a visit. U.A.'s big Four, right?"

There was no hint of regret or anything of the sort in his voice. He showed no signs of bluffing. He brought his hand down to a table and set it ablaze.

He wasn't joking.

Shit. What the fuck am I getting into?

I panicked and put out the fire, water shooting from my hands, "Fine!" I yelled, "I'll do anything you ask. Just stop."

He distinguished his flame, "Anything?" he leaned close to my body, and slammed his hand on the wall next to me, "You shouldn't go around saying those things too just anyone. You never know what could happen."

Fear wasn't something I felt often. I had always been gifted, I had always been above most people. This man countered my ice daggers like it was nothing. I had never met someone who was so unphased and unamazed by my quirk. Right now? I was definitely scared. I just refused to show it.

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