Lemonhead schools the students

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[Roughly Two Weeks Later]


I nudged Tamaki, "Hey, if you get nervous in front of the kids, just imagine that they are potatoes."

Tamaki looked at me, "Okay, (Y/N). I'll do what you ask," he smiled at me, "Thank you."

I grinned, "No problem, Octopus Boy." Before Tamaki could protest, I turned to Mirio, "Why are we doing this again?"

    "Eraser Head wants us to talk about work-studies," Mirio answered. 

    "No," I said, "I know what we're doing. Why are we doing it was the question." 

Nejire patted me on the back, "Oh, (Y/N). Aren't you curious about the first years?"

    "No," I said, "I know all about them."

    "Right," Nejire said, "I'm so jealous!"

From inside the classroom, I heard Aizawa Sensei say, "Please come in."

    "That's our cue," I smiled as Mirio slid the door open.

"We'll have people who experienced it first hand tell you about how different these are from internships. The four third years at U.A. who stand at the top of all current U.A. students- Also known as the Big Four," Aizawa Sensei introduced us as we took our spots at the front of the class. 

   "(Y/N)-Senpai!" Mina called, "We missed you! Are you feeling better?"

    I laughed,  "Yes. I'm great. How's Tsuki? I heard he got into some trouble."

    Kirishima looked at me, "Yeah, Bakugou's on house arrest."

    "Is that right? Tell him he's an idiot for me, will you?"

    "Ah yes," Aizawa Sensei interjected, "You all already know (Y/N)."

    "Who's fault is that, Eraser Head? It's every other week with you. "(Y/N) help me chaperone this, (Y/N) help me chaperone that"," I laughed. 

    "I've only asked you to chaperone twice."

    "And both times we were attacked. You just wanted to see me suffer, didn't you?"

    "What, n-"

    "I'm joking!  So," I pressed my hands together, "Let's get started."

    "Okay," Aizawa Sensei said, "Can you guys introduce yourselves briefly? Let's start with Amajiki."

    "Tamaki," I whispered, "Remember the potatoes."

Tamaki looked at the whole class with a pretty intense stare. Probably trying to imagine that they are potatoes. Of course, the stare freaked out the whole class. 

Tamaki started shaking, "It's no good. (Y/N), Mirio, Hado... Even if I look out on them imagining that they're potatoes, everything other than their heads remain human. I still can't see them as anything but human. What should I do? I can't... say anything... My mind's blank... I can't," he turned around and faced a wall. 

    "Oh come on, Tamaki! The kids don't bite," I said.

    "I want to go home!" Tamaki responded. 

    Ojiro from Class 1-A (Tail Guy) looked at Tamaki oddly, "Um, you are the top of U.A.'s hero course, right?"

    "Sh," I told Ojiro, "He has anxiety. You don't ever get nervous in front of large crowds of strangers? It doesn't reflect on his abilities as a hero," I turned to Tamaki and placed a hand on his shoulder. 

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