Thinking is hard, so I just don't do it

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I woke up and was immediately confused by my surroundings.

Oh right. I was at the Bakugou residence.

I recounted the events of yesterday.

Was agreeing to help Dabi the right choice? I may have never heard of him, but I know a villain when I see one. Then again, I didn't really have a choice. I didn't doubt that he would kill my friends or family if given a reason. What could he possibly need my help with? I'm a student, not even a full-blown hero yet. Maybe he chose a student because they're easier to keep in check than Pro Heroes? Even then, why me? Mirio was probably a lot better than me. And how was he supposed to contact me? He said he would call me, but I never actually gave him my number.

He found your house, somehow knew your name, and he knew you were one of U.A's big four, I reminded myself.

All this thinking is hurting my head.

I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom that was in the room. Well, I guess it's my room for now.

I turned on the sink and splashed warm water on my face. I didn't use my quirk for trivial things like washing my face. I had a limit, and I needed to conserve my energy for school. I decided to take a quick shower. I didn't have time yesterday, and I felt disgusting.

After I got ready I put on my school uniform and got my bag. I walked downstairs, where Mitsuki offered me breakfast, which I gladly took.

Katsuki spent his time glaring at me.

"Hey, kid!"

"Don't call me that," he spat.

"Okay, kid. Let's go, we can walk together."

"Whatever," he grumbled.

We walked to the train station and took the train to U.A. Katsuki spent most of his time telling me about how he's the best and how he's going to be the number one hero.

I yawned.

He glared at me, "What's your issue?"

"You're still a kid. Calm down."

"I'll show you who's a kid," he grumbled.

I sighed as he started going on and on about his quirk. First-Years. I thought back to when I was a first-year. Honestly, I wasn't much better than he is.

"That's (L/N)," someone whispered, "She's one of the recommendation kids."

"I heard she was number one in the Recommendation Entrance Exam. By a lot."

Comments like that get to your head. Until I met Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire, I just thought of myself as the undeniable best. I mean, I was the only one of the Big Four to place in the Sports Festival in our first year. Now, I know Mirio is better than me. He has an outstanding use of his quirk, which was hard to use, to begin with. He was, however, still losing his pants sometimes. I laughed, thinking about the most recent time he did that.

Katsuki cocked his head, "Are you laughing at me?" He grumbled.

"No," I said, "I was thinking about something else. I've kind of drowned you out."

"Why, you-"

"Would you look at that!" I interrupted him, smacking the back of his head "We're here!" I said cheerfully.

"I'll kill you," he rubbed his head.

"Good luck," I laughed.


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