Hell, uh I mean, Dinner with the Todoroki's

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Now that the semester had ended and we were on winter break, I have just been bored out of my mind. The past few weeks consisted of some hero work here and there, a shit ton of interviews (I hate public speaking, help me), and a lot of sleeping. 

Dabi has been... distant. Every time I try to bring up Endeavor, Natsuo, Fuyumi... anything related to him being Touya, he shuts me out. It's really starting to piss me off. I just want to know what happened to him. Why he faked his death. Why he made me believe he was dead. Sue me for thinking that he and I had a connection when we were younger. 

I thought we told each other everything.  

Clearly not. 

Recently, there was an attack on Deika City. Twenty people brought the city to the brink of ruin in just fifty minutes. 

As a member of the League, I was filled in on everything by Dabi. So, I know he was there. The Meta Liberation Army and the League had merged creating the Paranormal Liberation Front. From what I know, there are over 100,000 members. I also know is that Hawks had (finally) gotten Dabi's favor. 

Now, I'm just waiting for Dabi or Hawks to contact me for "League" work. 

Unfortunately, waiting is boring. It was already starting to get dark. I hadn't done anything today. 

Maybe I should call Katsuki. I wonder what he was up to. 

I took out my phone and pressed on his contact. Surprisingly enough, he answered pretty quickly.

     "What do you want, Water Bitch?!"

     "Ah, I don't even know why I bother calling you if you're going to be such a dick every single time." 

    "Is that (Y/N)-Senpai?" I heard a voice through Katsuki's phone. It sounded like Todoroki Shoto. 

     "Yeah," Katsuki growled, "What's it to you half and half bastard?!" 

     "You should invite her too."

     "Invite me where?" I asked, "You know what, I don't care, I'm bored. I'm coming. Send me your location."

     "What?! Hey- No-"

I hung up the phone. A few seconds later, I got a text from Todoroki. It was his location. It looked like they were moving. I got another text from Todoroki. 

Todoroki: We're eating dinner at my house. Would you like me to send you the address, or should we stop moving and you can meet us where we are now and we can go to my house together? 

Oh shit. We're going to his house. It's probably too late to say no. They said they're eating dinner. There's no way Endeavor eats dinner with his family. I'll be fine. I texted Todoroki back: 

Me: I already know your address. Actually, I know a shortcut. I'll probably get there at the same time as you guys. 

Todoroki: How do you know where my house is?

I decided not to answer that text. I threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and headed to the Todoroki residence. 

True to my word, I knew a shortcut. In fact, I got there slightly before Katsuki and co. I didn't really feel like going inside the house and sitting in awkward silence with Fuyumi and Natsuo, so I sat outside and waited. 

I closed my eyes and threw my head back. I hadn't been here in forever. 

     "Touya, are you sure I'm allowed here?"

     "No," he grinned and put a finger to his lips, "That's why we're sneaking you in! Fuyumi and Natsuo are in on it, so don't worry."

     "I don't get why we can't just hang out at my place like we-"

Dabi x Reader: Azure FlamesWhere stories live. Discover now