The ghost from my past is actually a psychopath barbequed man.

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   "Hey, are you awake?"

I stayed silent.

   "Geez, Ice Princess. You fall asleep pretty easily, don't you?"

I heard shifting and I felt someone's arms wrap around my body. I hadn't realized how cold I was until I felt the heat from Touya's body.

   "You're cold," I heard him whisper, "Good night, (Y/N). I love you."

   "Touya?" I looked into Dabi's turquoise eyes in disbelief. 

Dabi's eyes seemed filled with fear. His hands dropped to his side and he stiffened. A pattern that Touya followed every time he knew he was in trouble. When he knew I was mad he would tense up his whole body and try to explain himself.


   "No," I said growing angry, "Say it."

   "Say what, Ice Princess?"

Ice Princess. Water Girl. Dollface. 

"Don't call me that," I snapped, "How dare you? Is this some kind of sick joke? Who the fuck do you think you are?"

   "I'm sorry, (Y/N). Just let me-"

I created a wall of ice, pushing Dabi away from me. He keeled over in surprise and I turned around and ran, water streaming behind me allowing me to go faster than the average human. I felt my eyes start to water. 

What the fuck?

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

No fucking way. 

That was impossible. That wasn't possible. Touya is dead. He's dead! 

He called me Ice Princess. His eyes were the same shade of turquoise. Hair dye exists. Way back when I "first" met him he told me I wasn't the person he used to know. The fact that he called out to Todoroki Shoto. He didn't call any of the other hero course students by their full names. 

   Touya is dead. 

I have been in a constant state of pain for years because Touya is dead. Everything I do is for him. 

     "You should make some more friends, (Y/N)."

And so I did. 

     "Ice Princess, try to get along with your mom more. She's a hero, you know."

And so I did. 

     "Hm, no. You won't be able to think of outlandish nicknames like I can. You're not the type, Ice Princess."

I kept him in my mind in every way I could. 

Barbeque. Nitro Dick. Lemonhead. Octopus Boy. Chicken Wings. 

All of that was for him

It was a lie? No. No way. 

There's no fucking way. 


[Roughly Two Months Later]

   "(Y/N)," Hawks smiled, "Are you proud of me?"

   "Hm?" I laughed, "Sure, Chicken Wings. Just try not to do something stupid on the stage today."

   "Me? Do something stupid?" Hawks feigned offense, "I would never."

   "Uh-huh," I nodded, clearly unconvinced. 

Hawks face grew serious, "After the billboard rankings are released, we need to talk. It's important."

Dabi x Reader: Azure FlamesWhere stories live. Discover now