Hawks is a little piss baby but at least Fuyumi's not.

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I walked back home alone in the dark. I didn't want to talk to Hawks, and Dabi can't walk me home since he's a pretty well-known villain. It was already dark out and the usually busy streets were empty. I could barely see anything in the dark.

What time was it? I had been walking for quite some time now. I took out my phone. It was 11:04 PM.

Shit. Had I been out for that long? Katsuki was probably asleep, he goes to bed at 8:30 like a loser. Mitsuki and Masaru are usually asleep now too. And even if they weren't, I didn't want to bother them.

I let out a breath and continued walking, though I wasn't sure where I was going anymore. I felt a chill go down my spine. Something felt off. Not too far away, I heard what sounded like wings flapping. Then, from behind me, I heard the sound of someone's feet touching the ground.


You have got to be shitting me.


     I didn't turn around, "What do you want, Hawks?"

     "It's late."

     "No shit."

     "Why aren't you facing me?"

     "Why should I?"

     "What is wrong with you lately? You're turning into a completely different person. You've always shown signs of some kind of trauma, but... there's something wrong with you."

     I clenched my fist and turned around to face Hawks, "Something wrong with me? I'm not the one who killed someone."

     "It was for the sake-"

     "For the sake of the mission, I know. So what? The Number Two Hero is willing to kill to get the job done. What does that say about the rest of the heroes? Maybe the League is right."

     Hawks' eyes widened, "You can't be serious."

     I glared at him, "And if I am? Are you going to kill me? For the sake of the mission, right? I know everything. I know you're a spy. If I tell them? What are you going to do?"

     "(Y/N)," Hawks looked uncomfortable, "I don't want to hurt you."

     "But would you? If I threatened the mission, if I were to become a villain," I held out my hand, projecting three whips of water, one wrapped around Hawks' wings, another one restrained his arms to his body, and the last one wrapped around his neck, "What would you do?"

     "You wouldn't," Hawks stood still, not even attempting to escape from my hold.

Don't be too sure.

     I let go of Hawks and dropped my arms to my sides, "You're right. I wouldn't. But you never answered the question. Would you be willing to hurt me? Kill me?"

Hawks seemed to be uncomfortable, struggling to form an answer.

     I laughed and turned back around, "Looks like I got my answer, Chicken Wings," I used my nickname for him in a mocking tone, poking fun at the fact that despite our "friendship" he would be willing to do what it takes for his mission, "And here I thought I was your "little sister"."

     "(Y/N)! I didn't mean that I would..." Hawks trailed off, "I wouldn't... I would-" he set out a sigh of frustration, "I don't know!"

     "Call me when you figure it out," I started to walk away, "Don't worry. The mission is still my number one priority."

Dabi x Reader: Azure FlamesWhere stories live. Discover now