Tamaki and I are badasses

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      "Yo, Ice Princess!"

      "What? And don't call me that."

      "If I ever dyed my hair, what color would you prefer?"

"Why would you dye your hair?" I walked up to him and reached for his hair, twirling a red lock in my hand, "I like red."

      "It's just a question!"

      "Hm," I thought for a moment, "Black. You'd look cool with black hair."

      Touya grinned, "Oh yeah?"

I turned away, "Don't change your hair though. Red looks great on you."

      Touya smiled, "I won't."

At 8:00 AM this morning, we had found the location of Chie Hassaikai, and we all gathered in front of the police station. I was leaning against Tamaki, reading a list of quirks registered to Hassaikai members. I yawned and stood on my own, letting Tamaki put his hood on. 

   "Things are moving fast now, huh?" Kirishima yelled.

The children have way too much energy. 

   Tamaki glanced at Kirishima worriedly, "You're energetic for how early this is..."

   I yawned again, "Seriously, calm down."

About thirty minutes later, all of the heroes, plus a bunch of police officers, went to the location. Before we could ring the doorbell, a large foot broke the door open, hitting police officers and sending them flying. I manipulated water whips, wrapping them around the officers and letting them land safely onto the ground.

"What do you want?" The attacker yelled, standing to his full height. He was nothing short of a giant (get it? nothing short of a giant), "Bringing all these people so early in the morning..."

"Sorry," I laughed, "Did we interrupt your beauty sleep?" I blasted ice daggers at him and he howled in pain. He crouched, getting ready to fight. Ryukyu looked at him and assumed her dragon form, barely using her one claw to hold him back. 


 I glanced at Nejire who was looking at her mentor with unmistakable pride.

"Anyway," Ryukyu said, "We shouldn't split up our forces here. Ryukyu Agency will take care of him," she slammed the giants head into the ground, "The rest of you go now, while you have the chance!"

Nejire, Uraraka, and Tsu stayed behind to support Ryukyu while the rest of us charged inside. After running for some time, and then smashing through a large metal wall, we had come to an impasse. 

I walked into the hallway, stepping over the remains of the wall. Of course, walking was quite hard in this particular situation, since the hallway contorted, making it impossible to do anything. 

    "What the fuck is going on?" I yelled. 

Mirio raced ahead, his quirk allowing him to pass through the messed up walls. Just as the rest of us were about to follow, the ground beneath us disappeared, and we plummeted down to another level. 

I heard a few exclaims of surprise from the rest of the heroes.

   "Ow," I rubbed my head which hit the ground, "Well... shit."

   "Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey," I heard a voice, "Some government authorities have fallen from the sky. "

I glanced up to see three villains approaching us. I recognized them from the documents. See, I do read. Actually, to be more accurate, Tamaki and I went through them together. But, still. Setsuno. Quirk: Larceny. It let him take anything his target possessed. Hojo. Quirk: Crystallize. He could grow crystals from his skin, even covering his whole body with them. And, finally, Tabe. Quirk: Food. It allowed him to bite, chew, and digest anything that he came in contact with. I should keep my distance. 

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