I'm starting to think I'm fated to live a sh*tty life

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                "I thought you would choose me."

                "I love you, Ice Princess."

                "I need you."

               "Please don't leave me."

My mind was scrambled, and I tried to stand up, only to have my knees give in and crash onto the ground again. I stayed there for what felt like a moment but was probably much longer than that.

I stayed laying down on the floor, my unconscious mind willing me to stay still, telling me that I was helpless, that I had shattered my own heart into pieces, and that for my own sanity I couldn't move.

One part of my mind prodded at me, eating away at me, willing me, urging me, to go back. To find him. To be with the one who I love. Who I've always loved. And with every fiber of my body, I knew that that was what I wanted to do. I knew that deep down, I was a selfish person, and I desired a world where I could let go of all qualms and all but leap into the arms of the man with who I have been in love from the moment I started speaking to him. Essentially every happy childhood memory, every meaningful moment, every time I needed someone, it was Touya. It had always been Touya.

Nothing should be stopping me from sprinting to find him. From taking his face in my hands and letting my lips press to his with such desire and passion that it lasts for years and seconds at the same time. From melting into him and letting everyone and everything around me dissolve until it was just me and him, and no one else to stop us.

I lived in fantasies. I laid down and I let that part of my mind fantasize about a reality where I could go with him.

Because I truly love him.

Then there was the more rational part of my mind. The part of my mind that slapped me across the face. The part of my mind that tore my blankets off me early in the morning to wake me up. The part that told me no.

You can't go with Touya.

You can't do that to your mom, to Hawks, to everyone who cares about you.

You can't let Fuyumi lose the last tie she has to her supposedly dead brother.

You can't leave Katsuki. Not after everything. Not after you've been there for him for so long, that he's started to depend on you.

You would have to be a shitty person to let your selfish desires hinder you from the people who care about you. The people who you care about.

For a moment I almost let the less rational part of my mind poison me. I let myself get swept away with the fantasies, I let myself get tainted by the toxicity that came with loving someone. Love is a strong emotion. And with strength and power comes instability. My love for Dabi is chaotic. It's poison, because for a moment, for a second, I let the thought linger in my mind.

Betray everyone and go back.

I let it linger for too long. And I almost let myself run back.

But I didn't. Instead, when I finally got up, I started walking. Walking farther away from where I left Dabi and closer to the other scene of battle. Jaku Hospital. And I think I had taken only a few steps towards the area when I realized something was wrong.

The hospital was gone.

Something is wrong.

Katsuki is supposed to be over there.

I was engulfed with the feeling of unease. My instincts weren't always on point, but I could sense something was off. Maybe it was just the lingering sense of desperation from the events with Dabi. Maybe it was the yearning for something major to happen that would lead me back to Dabi. Or maybe, I was right, and something was wrong.

I was still ways away from what used to be the hospital, but all I could make out were ruins. Destruction. Right where I knew he was supposed to be.


I broke into a sprint.

You're not fast enough, (Y/N).

You're not good enough, (Y/N).

I shook my head and continued to run, pressing my hands together and closing my eyes, until I felt a significant amount of energy drain from my body, but a dragon made of water and ice appeared under me, sweeping me off my feet and advancing towards god knows what. I concentrated on keeping the dragon going forward, after all, this was an extension of my quirk. It required total concentration, I had to be completely focused on the dragon, on manipulating the water within the dragon to abide by my will.

And so, I kept going forward.

And forward.

And then I stopped and looked on in horror. Because what I saw, wasn't something I expected at all. My concentration faltered, and my dragon started to fall apart from under me. The water began to fall to the ground, and I started to plummet as well. As the ground got closer, my eyes were still fixated on the sight in front of me.

                "I'm not sure yet," I stood up, "Goodbye, Katsuki."

                Katsuki glared at me and stood up himself, "Don't say it like that, dumbass!"

                I laughed, "Like what?"

               "Like you're leaving for good."

               I frowned before shooting Katsuki a soft smile, "Bye, Tsuki."

               Katsuki rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Bye, (Y/N)."

Wires stabbed through Katsuki's skin, and blood spilled from his mouth.

Wires stabbed through Katsuki's skin, and blood spilled from his mouth.


I hit the ground.


I really just... 

One thing after another for this woman. Like chile, F for (Y/N), woman can't catch a break. 


For once, I have something to say that you guys might care about.  Maybe. Who knows, everything I say is simply for the means of satisfying or disheartening those around me. 


Okay seriously though, I am literally at the end of the current manga. I have no other material to insert (Y/N) to and I'm not about to make shit up after following Horikoshi's timeline for 45 chapters. Which means, that I cannot and will not go on with the plot until the manga lets me. 

However, if you guys are starving for more, I might write a filler chapter or two, like maybe an AU where (Y/N) chose Dabi, one where Touya never "died," one where (Y/N) is a villain, like there are possibilities, I just can't advance the plot. 

THAT BEING SAID, this DOES give me time to work on (my college apps) MY KATSUKI BAKUGO X READER! I have currently published about six chapters of the story and am working on more. 

The story is called Katsuki Bakugo x Reader: Blood Lust. Check it out, don't, it's all your choice.  

uhhh, ion think I got anything else to say? Sayonara, drink some water, I'm sorry for the last few depressing chapters, etc etc. 

And finally! 

Shameless self-promo!

Follow me on IG: demonicxchaos

But more importantly, join my discord server! Link is on my message board! 

Au Revoir!

Dabi x Reader: Azure FlamesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora