. . . . . ╰──╮CHAPTER 41: THE HOUSE COMPETITIONS PART -1!╭──╯ . . . . .

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I have been getting this a lot that Namjoon doesn't have too many scenes well now that's for a reason but I'll expose it in a few chapters. PS. here's a comeback for y'all.


The night had this hint of sarcasm in it as if it's mocking you. You were sitting by your window looking out at the dying sun. The house competitions are about to start in a few hours. Your guts tell you that something big is on it's way. Something bigger than all of you and somehow you feel you being a part of it.

Your tummy growls as you walk up to your closet to take out the council uniform. The whole student body has to wear black uniforms. They wear red underneath their black blazers while the council wears purple on normal occasions but white on the special ones.

You take a deep breath before taking the white one out of the closet. "Don't be nervous, Y/N,"you mumble. "It's going to be great!"

You take a deep and detailed look onto the uniform. "Here goes nothing!"


"Act as told and make sure that all rules are obeyed by the guests we are going to have,"Namjoon orders you all. You guys bow,"Understood."

You're sort of supposedly feeling like the Volturi from twilight. Evil and powerful, but excited as well.

'I wonder if there's anyone named Bella in them,'you wonder,'it'd be fun calling her Young Bella like Aro does.' You look over at the guys, they're looking dashing as always. You notice one thing, they all are wearing a single earing in one of their ears. You found it utterly handsome of them.

You guys are in the main council's office, standing next to the globe right by the stairs. "Jimin,"Namjoon calls him out. "Please come here."

Jimin walks up to the globe and places his hands above it. "Watch this,"Hobi points out to you. You frown not understanding what's happening exactly. Jimin's eyes disappear and his eye balls turn black. His eyes look like lightning as he mumbles something. You freak out.

Tae notices your discomfort by Jimin's sudden transformation. "It's okay, he's just predicting the future,"he grabs a hold of your hand. You cross your fingers with his as he pulls you closer. Jungkook on the other hand smirks your way,"Scardy cat!"

You snort at him,"Wait till you see BamBam's aunt with a face mask on." He raises his brow at you,"BamBam?"

"He's my best frie-"

"Silence!"Namjoon hushes everyone up.

"I see a great victory and a huge loss,"Jimin tells Namjoon. The guys eye each other. "The victory sounds comforting,"you mumble,"at least. Namjoon nods at him and turns to you guys.

"All of you head to the main entrance down hall in front of the main campus, our guests are about to arrive soon,"he orders everyone, all of you bow and hurriedly walk over to the main campus building. The whole student body is standing as bystanders eagerly waiting for the other colleges to arrive.

You take deep breaths, maintaining your posture. You remember Yoongi's words,"Don't let the opponent catch you in a daze, never be a victim unless you're dead." He's harsh but sometimes his words hold more value than they seem to.

A trumpet alarms everyone. "Respected Council Of Vamprel Academy, the chosen guests from all over world have entered our premises,"the guard announces. A huge line of guards is aligned in shining armors, carrying instruments and swords. One of them holds a trumpet and another is doing the announcements.

"Look sharp,"Yoongi scolds. All of you look up with pride.

A group of carriages enter through the main gate. "We welcome students from the Royal Academy of Dilgora*, magicians and extremely swift and talented in technology!" The carriages park in front of your guys. People walk out of them, they're wearing golden and grey uniforms. You recognize them as a different species because they're clearly not as pale as the vampires. "They're Angels, from the kingdom of Dilgora*,"Jimin whispers in your ear.

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