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       "He enrolled in the academy when he was sixteen. It's a rule to home school the royal family till they turn sixteen. Vamprel was his academy of choice although I wanted him to enroll in Wisdom. It's an academy up north east, a friend of mine was the headmistress back then. Leo on the other hand didn't agree to enroll anywhere else. We agreed somehow."

        She takes a sip of the drink in her cup. "Vamprel welcomed all sorts of students. Vampires, wolves, demons, devils, goblins, ogres, fairies, elves and even humans." She stops for a moment, doesn't say anything. You notice specs of water forming around the cup. That means her drink has gone cold. 

        She takes another sip and realizes her drink's cold. "It's cold,"she whispers to herself.

        You patiently wait for her to continue.

        "Leo always believed that everyone deserves to live in peace, and he strived for this purpose. The last time I saw him was when I tried to stop him from stepping into the war but then he hugged me and told me that this was his duty."

        " 'I want to store balance and peace, please let me do what is right or else I will regret it my whole life.' "

        She looks up at the ceiling. "I wish I could have stopped him."

        You frown,"But what was the war for? What happened all of a sudden?"

        "They were demanding separation, from our rule. By then we ruled the whole world and our enemies saw the opportunity of Leo's absence as a way to ask for separation from our rule. We tried to solve the matter but it escalated out of hands too soon. By then it had been five years since Leo's whereabouts were unknown. I asked Yoongi to write him a letter and ask him to return. His world needed him, and so Yoongi did as I told him. Leo came back, but he kept you a secret from us. If only I hadn't asked him to come back things would have been solved easily."

        She leans forward and grabs a tissue, wipes her eyes. "The war ended in a treaty that was signed of the allies and the enemies. Vampires, angels, demons, ogres, sorcerers, goblins and some other kinds live under one part of the world where they're all allies and run under our command. While wolves, devils, elves and witches live beyond the boundary but are under a pact of not interfering with our world."

        Again silence falls. Both of you share the same silence for a while. "I waited for six days and night when he was out. No one came. No news came. Then on the seventh day, Yoongi came over with his scarf. Yes, Leo loved a dandelion colored scarf. He had it on him when he came back from the human world and wore it till his last breath."

        She stands up and walks over to her closet. Unlocks it and silently pulls out a worn out piece of cloth. It's hardly the size of your hand. She walks back to you and gives you the cloth.

        It's a dandelion colored scarf. You recognize it immediately.

        "Is this?"you look up at her startled.

        "Mhm,"she nods. "It is."

        Your eyes fill up as you bring it close and kiss it. It smells like vanilla and peppermint. Uncontrol-able tears start flowing from your face. "This smells like h-him,"you stutter.

        The queen gently pats your shoulder. "I know."

        You kiss it again,"My d-dad!" you choke on your tears. "I wish I had more time with you. If only you didn't leave so soon."

        "It's okay,"the queen hugs you. You hug her through your hiccups and shivering. "I-I...I wanted to see him so badly but I never could. I miss him!"

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