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        You guys enter the outskirts of a very developed city. It looks like Tokyo from the 1970s and that's a lot more developed in comparison to Vamprel. The car stop a few kilometers away from the city. You were told to wear an oddly fashioned western outfit this time. Somehow you were able to wear your t-shirt over jeans. Jimin even advised you to look as human as you could, that would be less discriminating.

"This far would be enough,"Jimin tells the driver and gets off with his bag. You get off after him.

"So that's Viola,"you stare a the buildings. "It's different and a lot more developed from Vamprel, I have to say it looks better."

Jimin doesn't glance at the city, not even once. "I'd better focus on my task and not waste my time staring at a stupid city that is nothing more than wild dogs running around."

You stare at his back as he walks into the woods. The city is accompanied by a forest that covers the whole outer bank of the city. 'He looks like he didn't have a good time here.'

You swing the strap of of your backpack on your back and follow him around. "We have to meet, Albert Gogle Worthy?"you look at the piece of information Hoseok handed you before leaving with the most unbelieving look ever.

You frown,"You sure sunbae got his name right?"

"Trust me his name is only 1% of his weirdness, the rest of 99% is unimaginable." Jimin moves a branch for you and extends his hand for you to take. You take it. He helps you jump over a fallen log.

"What does he do exactly?"You dust off a bug from his shirt.

"Thanks,"Jimin takes your hand again and help you to not crush the bugs beneath your feet. "He's a predictor, an exorcist, a palm reader, an oracle or even worse...a mind reader."

"A mind reader?"

"He can sense your thoughts the moment you step 30 meters within him." You shrug,"I hope he doesn't mind all the kpop in my head-"

"The what?"Jimin asks.

"K-POP!"you smile. "It's a music genre but you'll never understand thinking about Monsta X and crying over Shownu when he's on stage." You think back to your fan life and the fan account you left behind. Jimin creeps out at your smug smile.

"That's not my area of interest...I'd never be on a stage." He raises his hands in defense,"No offense but that's creepy."

You smile, you've seen more hatred towards this career than anything else. "I wish that one day, when I'm back in my own world..."you look up at the sky,"if you come over to visit me,ever! I'll take you to a kpop concert and you'll see the world that exists in that stadium when millions of fans sing their hearts out to their favorite songs and how they all connect through music. There's an emotional attachment between a fan and an idol...like a love language never spoken before."

Jimin notices a spark in your eyes when you talk about the thing you love. It's pretty but it bothers him at the same time. He stops walking, turns back to face you and leans in closer to you,"Are they even more charming than me?"

Your cheeks flush red the moment he closes in. You notice how handsome and beautiful he is at the same time. His slick black hair and red orbs are an exceptional beauty. You avert your eyes from him.

"Y-yes...even more charming than you!"

He smirks at you,"Okay, I believe you."

"Hmm." You gulp. He moves away,"We're going to enter an underground tunnel. Albert doesn't like living up in high areas so he built himself to stay away from the crowd."

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