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        You hear a knock at your door. "Come in." You keep on staring at the garden through the window.

Yoongi walks in with a grim face. "You wanted to talk?"

"You should tell me what you wanted to talk about first,"you gesture for him to speak. He walks over to your bed and sits on it. "You might give it to Namjoon...that necklace in your pocket,Y/N...you might lose it."

"You know about it?" You take it out of your pocket.

"I don't think I'm the one who's supposed to tell you about that necklace but it'll be good if Namjoon talks it out with you."

"Sunbae, I know you know whom I met in the woods." You glance at him. He nods,"We know."

"Then you might know what we talked about?"

He pauses,"No we don't. We are aware of what he might've discussed but we're not aware of what you two talked about."

You sigh,"He knows my past, he knows about me and I doubt he has done something to my mom,"you grit your teeth in anger. You can't help but worry in anger and frustration if your mother is alright or not.

"Y/N...your mom's perfectly fine-"

"How can you be so sure? It's not like you guys are protecting her or anything?"you rage. He stares at you.

"Your anger isn't going to help you-"

"I don't care if he kills me! he is not allowed to bring my mom into something she is not a part of!"you bump your fist against the window. 'What did he mean by talking about my past?I'm a human and it's stupid to even think I relate to this world in any way!'

'Y/N,"Yoongi walks over to you and grabs you by your shoulders. He turns you to face him. You have tears in your eyes. His stone heart skips a non-existent beat. He can't hold back the inability of watching your tears, it reminds him of so many tears he regretted seeing.

"Listen,"he brings you to your bed and helps you sit down. He crouches on the floor and looks up at you as he grabs both of your wrists. "You want to know so many things and even we're unsure about them but there is someone who can answer your questions."


"Apparently he can as well but this mission you'll be sent to soon, you'll meet someone there. Tell him your queries and he will answer."

A tear escapes your eye. "B-but what about the competition?"

"Seokjin, Tae and Jungkook ended our tasks already. They'll handle the competitions for now." You nod.

"You know my dad left me when I was five, I never knew why he did that but Dong Wook knows about my dad...he knows my dad and he-"

"Y/N!"Yoongi snap you out of the moment. "Even if he knows, whatever he will tell you is probably fake or half true. He isn't a trustworthy wolf. His existence is worse than any other being."

You stare at Yoongi. Dong Wook's words,'It was your beloved sunbae...Min Yoongi!'replay in your mind. You feel the coldness of Yoongi's hands. They're freezing and firm. He's sturdy although he looks fragile. His eyes turn a shade of purple. Both of you stare in each other's eyes.

You search for the killer behind them while he stares back into the same orbs he put his whole existence's trust in. They remind him of someone he loved dearly with all his heart. They're not the same but they do remind him of them.

•° VAMPREL : BOOK 1 | COMPLETED °•Where stories live. Discover now