Chapter 9: Blood on the Snow

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(A/N): Sorry for the extremely long wait everyone, this took me a couple of days, I'll try to update more frequently. I'm so sorry 😣

I can't tell whether this is good or not. Unless he retains some consciousness he'll end up killing Sasuke and I too. (Y/N) gripped Sasuke's shoulders anxiously, keeping her eyes on Naruto's transformed figure.

Such strong blood lust! He's a completely different person from before! He's coming! Haku shook slightly, for once getting the feeling that he may have commited a mistake. Senbon needles shot out of his hands just as Naruto pounced at the mirrors.

However, a burst of the dark orange chakra repelled the needles easily, breaking some and sending them flying. Naruto didn't slow down despite the attack and skidded to a stop just as Haku ran to another mirror.

(Y/N) bit her lips sharply at the sight, holding Sasuke slightly tighter. Her bleeding was slowing down and she could feel the muscles in her arms healing, itching to grab her chain again. Half of Sasuke's dead weight sat on her lap, still too cold and unmoving. This is not good. I'm slowly starting to heal but Sasuke can't heal the way Naruto and I can. He's alive right now, but he'll have a very hard time if I don't do something about the bleeding. Trying to clear her mind a little bit, admiteddly a little bit dizzy from all the bleeding she pursed her lips.
I wish I had learned some healing jutsu beforehand. They seriously should teach first aid at the academy.

(Y/N) sighed and glanced wearily at Haku and Naruto battling it out. If he's distracted with Naru I might be able to patch up Sasuke a little bit. With quick and small movements she took out the bandages from her pouch, mentally thanking herself for packing them. I don't like this, but the way things are if I intervene I wil only get in the way. The sooner I patch up Sasuke, the less I'll worry.

Haku was, indeed, too distracted with Naruto to pay attention to the Ryudo. The loud boy had just deflected his attacks with tangible chakra and he was flabbergasted. What? His chakra repelled my attack! Then.. Haku's reflections multiplied, covering the whole dome and shot needles out of every single one. The senbon needles hit their mark.

Naruto growled and another burst of the sinister chakra pushed them out of his body and sent them clattering to the ground, at the same time raging against the mirrors.
To Haku and a busy (Y/N)'s surprise the next second Naruto jumped and straight up punched an ice mirror, shattering it.

(Y/N)'s hands momentarily froze in the middle of wrapping a bandage around Sasuke's torso and her jaw dropped as the shards of ice fell. Not even I was able to break it with my chain! He just punched it with his bare hands!

Haku saw a chance and fell out of one of the shards, intending to stab Naruto as he fell from above, but the blonde dodged easily, twirling away from him.

To say Haku was surprised was an understatement. How? He made an attempt to run back into a mirror but Naruto grabbed his wrist harshly and there was another burst of chakra.

  ~~~><Outside the dome><~~~

Kakashi shivered in his stance. Could Naruto's seal have broken?! He gasped and reached out with his senses. No, this feeling.. the seal is almost off and the chakra of the Nine Tailed Fox is escaping from it but, fortunately the seal is not completely broken. He furrowed his brows and determined his course of action, taking out a scroll from his vest pocket. He spread it out in a single movement and swiped his bleeding finger across the paper. I still have some time.
"Do you hear me Zabuza? We're both busy people." He swung the paper around as if it was a piece of cloth, twirling it in the air with quick movements. " I know it's against your style, but I think it's about time we stopped playing around."
He threw the scroll up into the air, rolling it close once again and caught it single handedly, ready to use it.
"Why don't we settle this once and for all with the next move?"

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