Chapter 3: The Land of Waves

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"This is Sasuke, at point B."

"This is Sakura, I'm at point C."

It took a long while before Naruto replied.

"Naruto point A, believe it!"

The rest sighed.

(Y/N) was smirking from her crouching position; the cat was a few feet away from her. She smirked, flexed her legs, and then tackled the cat.

"TOO slow, Naruto." Kakashi complained. He waited for a few minutes for (Y/N)'s reply but didn't hear anything.


"Oh, right! (Y/N) here at point D, with the target captured." She stated from the mic.

"Okay, Squad Sev-! Wait what?" Kakashi exclaimed in surprise.

All her teammates jumped out of their hideouts. Their jaws dropped, as the cat played with (Y/N)'s hair.

(Y/N) smiled slightly, showing her slightly long canines. "He's kinda cute."

"How did you catch him?!" Naruto asked in disbelief, while pointing at her.

(Y/N) grinned in response. "Secret~."

"WHAT?!" Naruto's jaw dropped and a depressing aura surrounded him.

"You are good with animals, (Y/N)-chan." Sakura said with a smile.

The girl shrugged in response. "I guess it's in my blood."

"Is that the cat with a ribbon on it's right ear?" Kakashi asked.

"Yes." Sasuke replied.

"Okay then. Lost pet Tora: captured. Mission complete." Kakashi stated.

(Y/N) stifled a laugh when the cat jumped out from her arms and into Naruto's face. The other three sweatdropped as Naruto screamed.



"Uwaaah~! My poor little Tora! Your mommy was so worried~!" The fat woman cooed, as she squished the poor cat and rubbed their cheeks together.

(Y/N) sweatdropped. No wonder it ran away.

"Haha! That stupid cat deserves it!"

"No wonder he ran away."

Team Seven was reporting to the Hokage, waiting for their new mission to be assigned to them.

The Hokage stared at his papers. "Now then, for Squad Seven's mission....Hm...Among them is babysitting, helping with shopping, digging up potatoes, and-"

"NO!!" Naruto cut him off, forming an 'X' with his arms for emphasis. "I want to do a real mission! Something challenging and exciting! Not like those crappy missions you're giving us! Con, old man!"

He's got a point. Sasuke hned.

Sakura sighed. Naruto's such a pain.

(Y/N) hummed in agreement.

"How dare you?! You're just a brand new Genin with no experience! Like everyone else, you start with simple missions to develop your skills and experience!" Iruka, who was present, yelled at him.

"Are ya kidding me?! Babysitting is not a mission!" Naruto yelled and Kakashi punched his head.

"Can you put a lid on it." Kakashi grumbled with a sigh.

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