Chapter 20: Revived

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It was strangely quiet, peacefully so even. For once (Y/N) didn't hear the screams of her family; ther was no burning stench in her nose. It was just... silent.
It was nice.
Her body felt strangely cold though, detached even. It was an unfamiliar feeling. Never before had she felt the bite of the cold wind or breeze, nor the sting of ice.

Yet in her heart, at the center of herself there was warmth. The heat of blue flames that she was familiar with; that tone of electric bright blue that lit up the night sky with its hue during festivals.

The same blue that had drowned out the light of the starts at night and covered her home in ash and the smell of burning flesh.

Just as quickly as the comfort had come, (Y/N)'s mind was thrown into turmoil and she started to breathe heavily and pant in panic, squirming.

Let me go let me go!
Wake up!
Wake up (Y/N)!

Why can't I wake up?!

Trapped in the throes of fever, (Y/N)'s mind sunk into the turmoil of her memories and the sensation of drowning in cold water.

It's so painful.
What is this...?


It took some time before (Y/N)'s mind regained some sort of consciousness.

She opened her eyes, but all she saw was darkness. A darkness that stretched out everywhere she could see, water touching her feet. She realized she wasn't wearing her shoes.

Am I dreaming?
What is this place...?

(Y/N) looked around, squinting at the empty void, but there was nothing. She walked a few steps in the dark, hoping that it'd lead her somewhere. The water splashed under her feet as she walked, showing nothing but her reflection.

She shivered a bit, gulping. Am I dead? What happened?

She recalled the feeling of the stinging ice and shivered again. That guy bit me! Who does he think he is?! Snake wannabe...

She grumbled under her breath, clenching her fists as she walked. It was then she noticed that there was an air current coming from in front of her; breeze swept her hair aside, but it wasn't a cold wind. It was warm.

(Y/N) frowned in confusion, muttering  "How can there be wind here?"

She walked slightly faster, closer to the warm wind. Soon the dark dissolved into an obsidian stone corridor with jail bars at the end. 
The polished stone glinted with the light that came off of the torches around the bars, a soft blue just like her flames but slightly dimmer.

(Y/N) gasped slightly at the sight of the tall jail bars that reached beyond her sight and got closer to the cell, keen (E/C) eyes slitting in the dark.
A puff of hot air came from the inside, accompanied with soft rumbling.

That was when she realized it wasn't wind. It was breathing.

(Y/N) gasped loudly, finally seeing the seals that littered the metal bars so much they had almost look like wood.

She stumbled back in a hurry and the cage rumbled, jail bars rattling as the water beneath her feet rippled from the movement of something enormous. "Ah!" She exclaimed in fear, stumbling back.

Host or not, it was impossible to forget the stories of the once kind Dragon Emperor turned evil, cursed. (Y/N) looked around frantically for an exit. "Let me out! Let me out!"

She became frantic as something beyond the bars cackled deeply, and loud heavy steps made the water ripple under her feet and the floor shake. Before she could consider the possibility of just randomly running back the way she came, fleeing the sinister presence in that cage, she felt a warm touch dragging her back, pulling her away from the cage.

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