Chapter 21: Last chance

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(A/N): currently unedited cuz not enough time. There'll probably be a painful amount of typos and missing letters. Also my fantasy novel is out! Please check it out if you like that genre of novels!

"I've had it."


Sakura dropped to her knees, panting as she tried to catch her breath. "For crying out loud how far have we walked?" She complained, looking up beyong the dark line of trees at the tower. "The tower hasn't gotten any closer."

(Y/N) grimaced, as they all came to a stop. She followed her teammates' gazes to the tower right in front of them in the distance, squinting. Strange. We have been walking for hours yet we haven't come any closer. My eyesight should have been able to calculate the distance, with no margin of error.

Something's fishy.

Nighttime had long fallen on them, darkening the frightening forest with the moon as their only source of light. They had been walking for hours already, hoping to reach the tower before nightfall put them at a disadvantage, but it was to no avail.
The tower still seemed out of their reach, yet somehow close enough that they should have been able to get to it in a matter of minutes.

So far (Y/N)'s eyesight had helped with keeping them on the right path, as she was the only one that could still see somewhat clearly in the dark. However, it was getting tiring to be constantly on alert, senses fully stretched out to keep her teammates and the extra safe.

"We can see it right in front of our eyes!" Naruto exclaimed with a whine. "Strange..."

Sasuke and (Y/N) shared a glance, "Certainly. "No mistake about it."

Kabuto furrowed his brows, "It seems we're already within our enthusiastic welcome." He asserted, looking around.  "Take a look at that."

The children followed his finger and gasped when spotting the bug they had struck down hours upon hours ago.
(Y/N) gaped and clicked her tongue furiously. How could I not notice?!

Naruto choked up, jaw dropping , "That can't be! What on earth is going on?!"

Sakura jumped up, gaping at the huge millipedes, "No way!" She exclaimed, arms raised. 

"Is it Genjutsu?" Sasuke asked warily, furrowing his brows.

Kabuto sighed, a tight annoyed smile on his face. "So it seems. We were lured in perfectly. It appears we were meticulously careful and we were made to walk around in a circle."

You don't say! (Y/N) growled in annoyance. She crossed her arms, rubbing her temples. No wonder the tower was looking funky! I thought I saw it flicker once or twice, thought it might be my tired eyes.

"We're being watched." Sasuke concluded, narrowing his eyes. "(Y/N)?"

The Ryudo nodded, looking around with sharp pupils and sniffing. It wasn't of much good if they were in a genjutsu, but it definitely told her what was supposed to be right and wasn't. "Obviously. They intend to wear us down and catch us unprepared when we're tired. It's a bit of a stupidly long strategy, a waiting game, but they're playing it well."

Sasuke huffed amusedly, smirking slightly. "If so, then this follows the enemy strategy."

Kabuto paused at them for a moment, and then looked around with narrowed black eyes. "Then they'll be coming soon."

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