Chapter 10: Bloody Path

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(A/N): well dang guys two consecutive chapters huh. I surprise even myself. Enjoy, surprisingly it only took me around three hours. I think the episode was somehow shorter. Warning: slight descriptive mentions of blood and death and the like.

"You were too full of yourself. You're too ambitious for your own good." Kakashi noted, eyes narrowed at Zabuza.

His plan had worked and he had managed to temporarily immobilize Zabuza with his ninja dogs. The biggest one had latched onto Zabuza's back and was biting fiercely with its huge fangs, making blood pour out of his shoulder. Left alone, those wounds would be deadly.

"You assassinated the Mizukage, but failed to pull off a coup. You left the service with a few men under you and became a rogue ninja. Your name soon reached our Hidden Leaf Village. You needed to raise funds to strike back and hide from the Tracking Units'  pursuit and retaliation. Isn't that why you sold yourself out to scum like Gato?" Kakashi continued to prod at Zabuza, right where he knew it'd annoy him;  listing his failures.  "Zabuza, do you really believe I've managed to survive with just the Sharingan?"

Kakashi held back an amused snort. "Here's a technique I din't copy, a jutsu of my own." He said, quickly weaving hand signs. "To enlighten you!" His chakra spiked with a flare at his feet as lightning gathered in his right fist, full of chakra. Blue lightning crackled on the ground uncontrollably. "Lightning Blade!"

Zabuza gulped, unable to move with the dogs' jaws on his body. What the..?! His hand is visibly overflowing with chakra!

Kakashi's lightning shined through the mist brightly, as he narrowed both visible eyes at Zabuza. "You are too dangerous. Tazuna, the man you are trying to assassinate, is the symbol of courage in this land! The bridge he is building is the hope of this land!" Kakashi denounced, as if scolding him.  "And your ambitions will sacrifice countless lives. That isn't how a shinobi is supposed to behave."
Kakashi's cold fury settled in his eyes and throat, as he glared at Zabuza. He knew it was high time to finish this encounter.

Zabuza glared at him, eyebrows furrowed, even as he faced the lightning. "Who cares? I have always fought for my own ideals. And that will never change!"

Kakashi glared at him harder, starting to feel a bit fed up with him. "I'll say it once more. Give up."

"Your future is... death!"

~~~><With the others><~~

"I want you two to kill me. Please, make it quick."

Haku repeated his plea, lowering his head, as if waiting for a blade to come down on his neck. (Y/N) swallowed and bit her lips anxiously. He is an idiot! How can I spare his life at least?!

"Why are you still hesitating?" Haku asked, his soft features previously cold had turned soft, almost sweet in appearance as he accepted his death. He stepped forward a bit, still on his knees and with his head bowed.

Naruto gritted his teeth a small frustrated hiss coming out of him. "I don't get it! You are only allowed to live because you stay strong?! There must be something other than fighting... another way for you to make others accept you!" He protested, stepping back as Haku stepped forth.

(Y/N) gritted her teeth, keeping to Naruto's side so as not to give to Haku the impression that she even was thinking about it. Why is this sweet fool so stubborn?! "There's always another path to take!"

Haku stared at them, sighing softly with a soft smile. There was something about their sweet naivety and the innocence of the unexperienced children that made his heart soften slightly; he felt sorry for the time when that way of thinking got struck down. It was a shinobi's fate. "Remember when we met at the forest? Do you know what I thought?" He paused minutely. "That you and I are much alike. I'm sure you can relate to me."

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